Perhaps you have considered that you are a complex being, not simply a “person”. Maybe not. Yet, think about this. Each of us has a physical body, a mind or intellectual body. Each of us is an emotional being – has an emotional body. We have a spirit, a personality, an energetic body. Finally, many of us believe that we come into this world with a soul, the essence of Life itself as yet another aspect of our being.
Here’s the catch. Many of us focus on a subset of our wholeness and try to ignore the rest. For some, that means we develop our intellectual body and hope the emotional stays quiet. Others listen only to their emotions and react to life from this center of knowing. There are also persons who have latched on to a spiritual journey and focus solely on its pursuit leaving their human nature to chance. Often the impact of this way of “partial living” is illness, unhappiness, depression, a nagging sense that something is missing in life.
What parts of you are disconnected?
Is it time for you to re-member?
If you know that you ignore your physical body, just expect it to show up and “perform” as you put all of your energy into your work, consider gifting it with good food and modest movement. If, instead, you ignore your spirit, never thinking about what is truly important to you, never pausing to sense delight in your life, take a break – maybe a short vacation. Nurture your playful inner self. If your emotions are the part of you most ignored (until they blow up at the nearest innocent bystander), your task may be to find time to pause with a trusted friend or family member or perhaps a journal where you can notice and write about what’s in your emotional space with total confidentiality.
Re-membering ourselves takes time and dedication. It is the work of every day in small amounts. It is the journey toward wholeness, self-honoring, ease.
How will you commit to re-membering today?