Open “Your” Presence

As I write, the calendar suggests that Thanksgiving is in the past and Christmas is ahead. Black Friday and its extension into Thursday this year have happened. Perhaps you are a shopper; perhaps not. Maybe you left consumerism long ago; maybe not. Maybe the season is filled with ongoing moments of joy and happiness for you; maybe not.

The fact that I am not alone in experiencing challenges this time of year has led me to collaborate with Sarah Crawford of Sitawi Life Coaching, LLC and offer a workshop that is sure to help you create a meaningful holiday season:

Opening Your Presence: the Gift that Keeps on Giving (find on Facebook)

Saturday, December 1, 1:30-4:30, Appleton, WI

Please join us! And … join me now in a little play on words. As I was thinking about the season this morning, I asked myself: What really matters to me? What is the season about for me? I again heard that it was about relationships and people. Yet I noticed that when it comes to my family of origin, folks I spent Thanksgiving day with, I too often miss their presence, their unique essence.

The workshop is about opening my presence and bringing my best self forward throughout the holidays. I wonder:

What would happen if my focus was on you?
What if I spent my energy, focused my attention and intention, on inviting your presence, your best self to shine?
What if I “opened your presence” this holiday season?
I imagine joy and light shining from each sacred being around me! How is it that I too often miss this joy? Well, I miss out on your presence when:

  • I’m busy “doing”
  • I’m in my head thinking
  • I’m worried about what you think
  • I’m rehashing old stories about you, ways I’ve labeled you

What if, instead, you were a present to be opened? What if each person I meet during this holiday season is an unopened gift and I get to experience that gift with all the excitement, anticipation, joy and delight of a child? What if I stop everything I’m doing and thinking and focus on the gift? What is possible from here? For me, my “presence” will be wide open and my holiday season filled with joy and connection and free of distraction. All I need to remember is this:

You are a gift. I get to open your presence and receive you.
Thank you!
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