This morning I gave myself the gift of a mid-year review. If you’ve been around Tidbits long enough, you know that I have found an annual review to be a powerful piece of intention and purposeful living. You also know that January 1 is NOT my personal “year-end/year-begin” date. For me, it was March 1 this year and accompanied the onset of spring as well as my birthday.
So today was the half-year point. I paused to look back at these six months, notice what is alive in me know, and look ahead to who I would like to be in March 2015. I used this process:
What did I discover? I learned that I am on track! There have been challenges and setbacks … and … I’ve grown, evolved, expanded these last six months. I am recommitting to the March 2014 intention:
2014: The Year I Embrace Being, Visioning,
Intuitive Awareness and Celebrating ME!
with an added emphasis on the celebrating part. Yippee!!!
What about you?
What is happening with your 2014 intentions?
What needs a kick start?
What can you celebrate?