Hire a life coach … a few more reasons!

Maybe you know that you are ready for change. You are at that magical crossroads and your whole life is in front of you yet you aren’t sure where to begin. Maybe this collage speaks to you:


Here are a few more questions to see if you are ready for a coach:

  • Is life offering endless doors for you to open, but you don’t know which way to turn next?
  • Are you an empty nester excited to discover who you’ll be when you grow up?
  • What talents are you hiding under your bushel basket? You aren’t sure?
  • Retirement is just around the corner … now what?
  • What would fill you with a sense of pride and accomplishment — if only you had the support to make it happen?
  • When was the last time you were really heard and you shared the song in your heart?
  • Are you ready to invest in you, in your dreams, talents, desires — but afraid to start?

Read more about life coaching HERE and contact Jeanne today for an exploratory coaching session.

What is YOUR wisdom?