Today is Thanksgiving Day in the United States. And gratitude, the practice of awareness around the blessings within and around us, is very powerful. This day, whether you are alone or with family, working or watching football, healthy or ill, eating turkey with all the trimmings – or not – pause. Take a moment to ask:
- How is my life blessed in the area of relationships?
- What do I have to be grateful for in my family?
- What talents and skills do I possess for which I am truly grateful?
- What can my healthy body do that another’s cannot?
- What possessions, from the roof over my head to the car in the garage to the decorations in my home, gift me with joy and ease?
- What ideas have others written about that am I grateful for because they support me in living fully, purposefully, joyously?
What’s on your gratitude list? How rich are you?