Flow Like A River

Recently, I had the privilege of being with a group of caregivers at a luncheon to honor the sacred, generous work that they do every day with their loved ones. The topic was “Flow Like A River” and I was invited to share music in support of life’s flow, change, impermanence. What I’d like to share with you now is the wisdom that came from the attendees when asked:

What does “Flow Like A River” mean to you?

I heard things like:

There’s always an obstacle getting in the way.

I need to be willing to flex and bend like the river when it crashes into boulders.

Life moves more slowly now, like the water at the bottom of the stream, deep, peaceful.

My loved one just isn’t the same anymore and I need to accept that. I realize, too, that I am still me and I must reclaim who I am when not in relationship.

What was left for me to add? These folks who give of themselves day in and day out gave the gift of understanding and love to one another through their willingness to find and share their deep truths about life as they now experience it. It was so beautiful and, I believe, healing for everyone who attended.

While I didn’t have much to say, we did share this song together:

Living Like Water
(inspired by DailyOM for March 24, 2009)
Living like water, ease in the flow.
Graceful and humble, onward it goes.
Are you like water? Have you let go?
Living as water, one with life’s flow.

Just as water flows within the banks of mother stream
so the family we behold will shape our life and dreams.
Twisting, turning as the stream with ease we move and bend round
obstacles ahead of us – the gifts that Life does send!

Water at the precipice does crash but does not stay.
Fiercely moving forward smoothing rocks along the way!
So must we when darkness comes and hovers at our side
travel on with courage that within us does reside.

Rivers flow and find themselves united in the sea
never fearing loss of each unique identity.
Beyond the ego, merged with others in community,
following the river’s lead we share our energy!

Water now teach me all that you know.
Show me your pathways to live in the flow.

Living like water, ease in the flow.
Graceful and humble, onward it goes.
Are you like water? Have you let go?
Living as water, one with life’s flow.

by Jeanne Loehnis

What does the river have to teach you?
Where does your life flow? Crash?
What is yours to learn?

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