The definition of year includes 12 months. While the suggestion is that January is month one and December is month twelve, consider:
- Does your personal cycle have 12 months? More? Less?
- Does your personal cycle begin with January and end with December?
In addition to what follows as a helpful annual review process, you may use this process with a time-frame which corresponds to a major change in your life. Consider graduation, marriage, a new job or goal, retirement. Think about the phase just ending, now, and the new phase you are about to embark upon and ask yourself:
- Who am I? Consider all aspects of your body, mind, spirit, heart.
- How have I changed?
- How have I expanded? Contracted?
- How have I been more fearful?
- How does upcoming uncertainty or newness free me from fear?
If now is your time to do an annual or life phase review, then mark your calendar for a minimum of two hours, maximum of 4-8 or maybe an entire weekend to do your personal ending/beginning process.
Why do a year-end or life phase review?
As your personal calendar year or this life phase draws to a close, I’d like to invite you into a very intentional pause – a pause to reflect, release, soak up the learning, and set intention. Think about this statement:
Step One: What is present now?
First, we’ll begin by noticing what is present now. Take a few moments to get quiet, become still. If you meditate, consider using meditation before each step of this process.
Step Two: How did you get here?
Take a look at what is ending and ask:
Who did you spend time with?
What habits did you practice?
What did you avoid?
In what ways did you honor your personal core values?
In what ways did old belief systems, inner gremlins, take charge and divert you from your intentions?
What breakthroughs happened?
What accomplishments are you celebrating?
In what ways did you let your unique essence shine in the world?
Refer back to your planner, if it would help, to jog your memory!
Step Three: What will be different?
Third, what do you want to be different one year from now or at the end of the phase you are entering? Pretend you have arrived. It is 12 months down the road. Or that new job, relationship, or goal is accomplished or established. Answer that first question again:
You may even with to write a letter from your future self describing in rich detail what it feels like “now”.
Step Four: Get clarity on the time ahead
Finally, use any of the inspiration cards you’ll find HERE or HERE to assist you in clarifying your action steps for the upcoming time. Then …
If there was a single overriding theme, what would it be? Create a statement using these as a pattern. Note the sample is for an annual review process.
2025: The year I ______ for the sake of _____.
2025: The year I say YES to new opportunities for the sake of my fully empowered self!
2025: The year I listen to my heart and soul truth for the sake of my growth.
With that theme in mind, consider breaking the year ahead into quarters or months, and create a simple focus, a stake for your personal life leadership, for each. Here are some examples:
2025-Q1: The quarter I love myself into full expression!
2025-Q2: The quarter I begin piano lessons.
2025-March: The month I courageously go on that silent retreat.
2025-June: The month I create a daily meditation practice in nature
2025-December: The month I connect to my inner self and share from gratitude in my relationships.
Mark your new year calendar with these simple, clear intentions and remind yourself daily as the year moves on.
Step Five: Enhance your support system for the year ahead
Consider whether life coaching, accountability partnerships, a trusted life partner, a spiritual community, or even a counselor would be the ultimate in support for your expansive life in the new year. None of us needs to do this life alone. And none of us can do our powerful work in the world alone! We are part of the human family, Life itself. Surround yourself with who and what will be most effective for YOU!