Another kind of “staying”

I've just been given a gift from a woman who is celebrating that half of her life is behind her. She is 60! Yes, she simply knows that 120 is the age for her. How powerful is that? Imagine folks you know who are 60. Are they gearing up, retooling, imagining and moving actively into those next 60 years?

Ah, the gift. Yes, It is a MUST SHARE with you. PLEASE watch this 5 minute video to the end. It brought tears to my eyes.

This woman is STAYING in her life!

Staying. Believing in yourself. Living. Taking risks. Stepping out. Stepping up. Staying some more. Leading — with every action you take. Is this a woman you would want to get to know? Follow? Emulate? Be with her magic?

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[A confession: This entry was originally drafted on August 5. Now, 2 weeks later, I have found and finished it and am sharing it with you despite its lack of sequence!]

A new day has dawned and I am in the midst of this one week between Poland and California. I know myself well enough to know that rest is a requirement for me this week. I'm not a seasoned traveler. And both of these experiences are filled with shift and change, learning and growth of the kind that requires it to “sink in”.

But I am a “do-er”!

Continue reading “Staying”


What's that? Torn … between writing because I think I have something to share with you … and reading because there is so very much to learn! And with each paragraph in the latest leadership book I am reading, there is an idea that's worth incorporating into my life.

So, what's a woman to do?

Continue reading “Torn”

It Happened Again

Why am I surprised? Okay, I’m not. But it is truly amazing how life works, how we are cared for, provided for, held in safety, if we but open to it.

I am in Chicago, at O’Hare airport, on my way to California for the third of four leadership retreats. [Update here. I am now in Phoenix where I have Internet to post this morning's writing!] With a long travel day ahead of me, I brought plenty to “do” on planes and in airports. I boarded the plane at 5:45 am in Appleton and took out my journal. Then, my seat mate arrived.

A young woman, very polite, sat down and invested herself in her Blackberry. I wrote.
Continue reading “It Happened Again”