What sprouts from the seed of you?

Here’s a question from a new inspiration card that hit me this morning:

What sprouts from the seed of you?

Think about it. The seed totally decomposes so its DNA can manifest as something that looks entirely different. If we use the seed metaphor and let ourselves sprout, what WILL we look like? What will we become? What fruit will we bear? Will we be a shade tree? Who will be nourished by our presence?

Imagine, who you are, how you look, what you do, all that is part of your life to-date, is but the seed for what is yet to sprout.

What is blocking total decomposition?
What is your shell made of?
What water, sunshine, nutrients are feeding you now?
How willing are you to be seed?

When “I” am “We” – Part II

If you missed part I, please take a peak:

When “I” am “We” – Part I

In part II, I invite you into some real power around this I/We concept. And it is very simple. The human Jeanne, when faced with a decision reviews it from three aspects of the human:

  • Body – Am I healthy enough? What does the body need?
  • Mind – What do I think about “it”? Does it interest me? Will I enjoy doing it with them?
  • Emotion – What am I experiencing now: joy, depression, peace, sadness … and how does this opportunity fit with what I need now?

When “I” becomes “We”, I let Soul Essence, the Universe, Divine Guidance be in charge. And I choose to believe that the Universe or God is unconditional love, unlimited positive energy, pure compassion, and is in everyone. All are connected, all are one, in Essence. From this perspective, I am aware that often my human self comes up with “I don’t want to” when, in fact, my deepest core beliefs and values, the awareness I have when connected to the Universe, is saying a huge “YES!” I want to put your needs first – I want to serve – even as my human is saying no.

Imagine an invitation to a family reunion in another state or a service opportunity all weekend or a leadership role in your spiritual community that will consume time you don’t have. For each of these, there are many ways for the human self to decide, “No, that’s not for me.” And sometimes, it isn’t. Yet, when the perspective of Oneness, Essence, God leads, and I am aware that this, too, is me, I find it ease-full to lead with my soul and say “Yes!”.

What is yours to do when Soul/God/Universe/Oneness leads?


New Growth

Springtime is here as evidenced by the rapid, new growth on so many plants and trees. Spring growth is often tender, delicate, paper thin and requires gentleness of tending to avoid ripping and premature death. Yet, with exquisite care in the early phases, spring growth becomes strong, hearty and mature before our very eyes.

It is the same for you and me. With courage, we plant new seeds, new talents and skills, new ways of being and we nourish this growth in ourselves. With exquisite care, our newness matures before our very eyes! Yet impatience, intolerance, judgment, comparisons and unwillingness to be “a newbie” can uproot this growth in an instant.

What new growth are you nurturing this spring?
What exquisite care are you practicing?
What is your vision of maturity?

I Know!

“I know …!”

What is it that you know? Stop to consider how limiting those two words are in today’s world. Think how fast everything is changing. How many millions of text messages and tweets and e-mails are traveling each second. Imagine ongoing research that is quickly making your 7th grade science curriculum obsolete. Truly, the more often I claim to know, the more I show my ignorance. I don’t know what you are thinking and feeling. I don’t know how you have been shaped by the challenges in your life – even if I know what those challenges were.

What if I came from a place of not knowing, of open curiosity and wonder? What if I trusted that, regardless of my level of expertise or experience, you could enlighten me in some way? I am immediately softer, more malleable, gentler, more calm and I experience more inner peace. I am not trying to maintain a posture of right or ego knowing or one-upmanship.

What don’t I know?
What might I learn?
What else is possible?

Why ask for help?

All too often, we hesitate, we try first to “do it ourselves”. We say “No, thank you.” when the clerk in the store says, “May I help you?”  or our arms are full and someone says, “May I open the door?”. Or, we know we can’t complete everything well but we refuse to ask for help. Each of us has our own reasons for refusing help so “why we don’t” isn’t the focus here. Rather:

Why should we ask for help? 


  • it will give “them” a chance to be of service
  • “it” will get done better and more easefully
  • “we” might strike up a conversation as “you” are helping me and I might actually help you in the process!
  • what else?

Today, practice asking for help – over and over and over. Practice again tomorrow. Continue your practice and mark your calendar for 21 days down the road. At that time, consider:

What does asking for help feel like now?
What, if anything, would prevent me from asking now?