Let Me Get Back To You On That!

Do you ever say YES to an opportunity without thinking and later wish you hadn’t? Has your YES habit landed you in resentment, too busy, frustration? Do you find that the energy you then bring to these activities is sour?

We could dig into WHY so many of us are “yes persons”. And often that includes things like a desire to be liked or loved or to look good. But not today. Today is for changing your response, one answer at a time.

Imagine taking back your personal power and being able to say YES when you mean YES and NO or “Perhaps another time” when that is your truth.


The next time you are about to say YES without thinking, try this simple 4-step process:

Let me get back to you on that!

  1. PAUSE: Respond with “Let me get back to you on that by [date]
  2. JOURNAL: What is true about this for me? Why do I want to do it? Why not? What is the impact of YES? What is the impact of NO? Is NOT THIS TIME but interested next time your truth?
  3. DECIDE: What is my decision?
  4. COMMUNICATE: Let the questioner know of your empowered YES or NO or LATER.

This process works when the questioner is a friend or family member wanting you to do something. It also works if the questioner is YOU wanting to skip exercise or eat unhealthfully or abandon yourself in some other way. Here you might “get back to yourself” in 5 or 10 minutes.

What will it be like to make self-honoring decisions?
What will it be like not to resent what you agree to?
What will it be like to keep commitments joyfully?

What keeps you awake at night?


Bring to mind a situation, relationship, belief that both challenges you and that you are ready to experience shift around.  

Got it?  Now:


  • What part of this keeps you awake at night?
  • If this piece was resolved today, what would be the result?
  • If that really happened, what would it mean to you?
  • If it means nothing, why do you bother?
  • What are three options that come to mind now?
  • What is the first step for you?

How will you know when it’s time for your vision to grow?

The last post:

The Purpose of Vision …

ended with this question: How will you know when it’s time for your vision to grow? Note that vision can be the great big “life vision or purpose” and it can be a vision for what we want to experience in this relationship or the job or the upcoming holiday. And, just like the vision itself, the answer to the question is personal. No one can answer it but you.

That said, I think some of the warning signs for vision needs to grow are:

  • boredom
  • restlessness
  • anger
  • frustration
  • meaningless
  • passionless

If some aspect of life – or life itself – generally brings up some of the warning signs listed above, consider a new vision:

What do I vision as the perfect 10 here?
How will I hold this vision in my awareness?
What shift in my energy is needed to create it?

What is my next step?

The purpose of Vision …

… is not to attain it, but rather to let it be a bright star shining in the distance that guides us every step of the way.


I have heard that if one’s vision is attainable, it isn’t big enough. As I write that, I suspect that those who have made a practice of visioning, never attain it in part because their vision is big. I also think that those who value the art of visioning see the light at the end of the tunnel. As they see their vision nearing manifestation, they hear an inner calling – they hear the call to vision – again. And they do it. Such persons live a beautiful and expansive life where the vision invites them to grow and the vision, itself, grows as they grow!

What vision is calling you forward?
How will you know when it’s time for your vision to grow?

Beyond the cameras …


Bring to mind a situation, relationship, belief that both challenges you and that you are ready to experience shift around.  

Got it?  Now:


  • Imagine a documentary film crew has captured all of it. What do they see?
  • What is hidden from the cameras?
  • What is yours to reveal?
  • What will you do about it?

By when?