Time to act!


Bring to mind a situation, relationship, belief that both challenges you and that you are ready to experience shift around.  

Got it?  Now:


  • If you had to resolve this situation to save your life, what would you do?
  • If you knew you could solve it with no negative consequences, what would you do?
  • If this situation weren’t in your awareness, what would be different?
  • What action is yours to take now?



Ready for new ideas?

It occurred to me this morning, that my life has been so very enriched by many talented authors who have taken the time to put their ideas and learnings from their life into books. They have taken me so many places on my life journey – places that the people and activities around me simply couldn’t have.

Not every book suggested to me has resonated. Others I’ve read over and over, each time gleaning something new, hearing an old idea in a new way.

Today, I offer you a growing list of books that have nourished me. Give yourself the gift of fresh ideas!

Just this …

Reading from the book, The Call, by Oriah Mountain Dreamer:

… The task is to just pack the box or just type these words or just speak to the service person on the phone in this moment, all the while keeping one part of my attention on the spacious stillness within. …

Just this. No multitasking, trying to do three things at one. Yes, you know. You talk on the phone, fold laundry, and respond to the question from a family member that is being mouthed to you so as not to disturb your phone call. Really????

I’ve done it — many times. Yet when I practice single-tasking, just this, I am more open, connected, at ease. I feel the spacious stillness that Oriah wrote about. I am present and have so much more available to the task or the creation or the person who sits across from me.

Today, give yourself the gift of just this. Notice what tries to steal you away from the practice: thoughts, plans, fears, worries, unfinished business. Notice and set them aside – over and over and over as needed! Come back to just this.

What is the impact of just this?

Positive Transformation: the next step


Bring to mind a situation, relationship, belief that both challenges you and that you are ready to experience shift around.  

Got it?  Now:


  • In 1 or 2 words, describe the current state.
  • In 1 or 2 words, describe a positive transformation.
  • If you could add one thing that would move this toward positive transformation, what would it be?
  • If you could remove one thing that would move this toward positive transformation, what would it be?
  • What will do?
  • By when?

Sacred Discipline

The phrase struck me today … sacred discipline.

What do you think of when you hear the word discipline? Often it conjures up  negativity, shoulds, restrictions, limitation, deprivation … all in service toward achieving some goal: “If I am disciplined enough, I will graduate with honors or lose ten pounds by Christmas.”

What would be different if the road to graduation
or to a more fit body, for example,
were paved with Sacred Discipline?

Here is one definition of the word sacred:

Sacred is something that is held in high regard,
something loved and revered.

Imagine holding discipline, or better yet, the goal that needs discipline, in high regard, loving it, revering it. From this perspective, knowing that the goal is sacred, what would it be like to let the journey be sacred as well?

What if “sacred” filled your studying?
What if “sacred” empowered your exercise?

How would sacred make the journey lighter?