I have a vision …


Well, I guess I have many visions. But today, there is one that I am very present to. The last three posts have invited you to think about why your life is calling for you to partner with a life coach.  My vision is that each one of you who read these posts:

Hire a life coach … Me?
Hire a life coach … a few more reasons!
Yes YOU deserve the gift of a life coach!

has said, “YES – there is no doubt I would like to partner with a life coach!” And, because of that, your requests for an exploratory session followed by hiring me as your coach are now requiring me to remind you of many other amazing coaches in our world! Yes, there are many, each with their own niche, presence and gifts to offer. Here a just a few coaches that you might want to check out:

Help me make my vision a reality!


Yes, YOU deserve the gift of a life coach!

All of us get stuck now and then. Some of us land in this human stuck-ville for a very long time.


I don’t think that’s how life is meant to be! We are meant to cherish life, enjoy it, be fully present in it. And there is not a one of us on planet Earth who does it alone! Think about all the people, all the things, all the knowledge, all the everything that has come to you through another.

Hiring a life a coach is simply being open about our need for help! That’s all. And what a powerful, personal, impactful “help” your coach will be.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • Have you spent so long doing what you should that you don’t know what lights your inner fire?
  • Do stress and overwhelm run your life?
  • Are you free of your addiction but find life meaningless, without purpose and joy?
  • Does balance between work, home and self-care elude you?
  • Perhaps you are overflowing with ideas but find yourself trapped or stifled by your environment. Are you ready to take charge of your life?

Is it time for YOU to experience coaching?

Read more about life coaching HERE and contact Jeanne today for an exploratory coaching session.

Are you response-able?

If you are reading this, I am guessing that you are pretty responsible. You care enough to do your part, to help, to serve, to complete the work in front of you. But:

Are you Response-Able?

  • When the unforeseen happens, are you free to respond fully, with 100% of what is in you?
  • When you respond in any situation, are you really there, open to love, give, be present without the rest of life niggling in your brain?
  • When you show up for any task, do you leave everything else behind so that you really are able to respond to what is – not what you think should be or what you presumed would be or what you are willing to be with?

Today, just notice who you are in the activities of your life. Notice where your thoughts and feelings are in the midst. Notice if you are fully aware of all that is around you, tuned in to what is really going on, focused on the person or task in front of you and, therefore, fully able to respond to whatever shows up?

What keeps you from being Response-Able?
What are you willing to release today?

Do great things … with heart


“Don’t worry about doing great things…
just do little things with great heart.” Mother Teresa

I was reminded this week of how much fear and resistance I experienced during a leadership training program in 2010. There I was in the midst of learning about leadership, imagining our group creating “big things” in our world, and scared out of my mind when I thought about leading.

Since then, the fear of leading has shrunk tremendously.  And my definition of leadership has shifted.

Today I know that we are all meant to be leaders. And leadership isn’t about “doing great things” though some leaders do that. Leadership is about taking the action that is needed in the moment, seeing what needs doing and making it happen. Such actions might be small – like listening to a friend who is suffering. Sometimes they are bigger – like taking responsibility to organize the community fundraiser. Either one of these has the potential for great impact – especially when done with great heart. When we lead and act from heart, from passion, from a deep connection both to the purpose we feel inside and to the world in which we live, we bring much needed love and compassion into this world. We do great things.

What need in the world around you have you been neglecting?
What do you see that needs your heart-full touch?
What action is yours to take?

What will you do today with great heart?

Fly away with me!


This morning, I pulled the Wings Inspiration Card at random. One question:

What keeps you grounded?

caught my attention. My spirit desires experiences like seeing the natural wonders in our world, yet my actions do not support my spirit’s dreams. Actions could be as simple as visioning, reading about those wonders, talking with others who have been there and allowing their excitement to rub off. What keeps me grounded?

  • Unwillingness to make time for those simple actions.
  • Beliefs that it will never happen anyway.
  • Waiting for someone else to make the first move.

Does any of that sound familiar? Today, take a moment and ask yourself a few more questions from Wings:

What captivates your spirit?
What uplifts your wings?
What keeps you grounded?


What step will you take today?