From which perspective?

My morning journaling held a strong message for me about choosing from which direction or voice or perspective I am to be with “it” – whatever the current “it” is in life. While there are many perspectives, today I was aware of:

  • IN THE TRENCHES: Purely emotional perspective characterized by internal unrest, the pain body, focus on my needs, sometimes filled with blaming others for how they aren’t supporting me
  • TAKE CHARGE ATTITUDE: Physical or material perspective characterized by seeking a fix, wondering what “I” should do about “it”, often ignoring that inner emotional reaction to “it”
  • SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: Intellectual or calculated perspective characterized by evaluating societal rules or beliefs held by organizations I affiliate with and asking what the “right” thing to do is, regardless of my personal wants and needs
  • EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS: Stepping beyond the body/mind/emotion of life and resting in the meta-view of soul or consciousness where we are one, where all of humanity is connected. Here, what I do, say and feel impacts the greater whole and that greater whole impacts me. What I am experiencing is reflective of what others are experiencing. Daring to take this perspective, I become willing to see and act upon what is best for the greater good. Actions from this perspective are resonant and intentional. They may be uncomfortable and difficult on the human level, but the energy of resonance with the greater good supports us. Those actions might look like:
  • Taking a day off to honor personal wellbeing in order to return to work, people and responsibilities rested, open and loving
  • Taking a deep breath and muscling through what lies ahead one more time
  • Having that difficult conversation with a spouse or co-worker and respectfully speaking personal truth that may be hard for them to hear and then staying with them as they respond
  • Dropping allegiance to an organization that seems to need you yet is not aligned with your deeper, perhaps evolving, beliefs

This is a lot! Perhaps take a moment to notice the perspective that you habitually operate from and how that is – or is not – working for you. Then:

What challenge am I facing?
What perspective would I like to try on?
What do I see from this perspective?
What support do I need?

You are a headliner!


Bring to mind a situation, relationship, belief that both challenges you and that you are ready to experience shift around.  

Got it?  Now:


  • What short Headline describes this situation?
  • What short Headline describes your desired outcome?
  • When you have achieved this outcome, which of your deepest desires will be met?
  • What personal strengths will you bring to transform this situation?
  • What will you release or let go of along the way?
  • Now what?

When is it NOT time to lead?

You may know that leadership is a passion of mine. This world needs leaders who care deeply, love fully, dare greatly … and know when it is time to step back, rest, follow. (Side note: when following, it is vital that we choose carefully who we follow!)

How do you know when to step back, rest or follow?

I ask, having noticed recently that I do a lot and I yearn for more internal wholeness. I ask, having noticed that stepping away from activity has been a hard choice to make when messages like “What will they say? What will I miss out on?” fill my thoughts.

I ask, having been gently nudged to notice how often I lead, create, make “it” happen! “Jeanne, who in your life serves as a leader to you? Where do you go just to be among?” BAMB! Spot on suggestion as I yearn to hear my soul’s calling more deeply, to listen more frequently, more intentionally to her message.

While the soul is an internal voice, it is one source of intuition – all of which are valuable. So discerning my soul’s calling includes listening to what surrounds me, messages in you, in nature, in rest, in play, in receiving.

If it’s time for you to step aside, step away from the spotlight, rest and receive, consider:

What am I to release in order to create space?
What structures are needed to support staying in spaciousness?
What messages will I listen to?

What if 1 + 1 = Amazing?

Today I drew this collage at random:


The questions which most spoke to me were:

What opening needs your creativity?
What experience is stale?
What potential lies in “we”?

I’m not surprised. I’ve been craving co-creating lately and honoring the craving. The most delightful expression of this was Monday night’s play date with two other women. Staring at an amazing pay load of art supplies, we asked: “What will we do tonight?” and the answer we heard was: “Let’s create a single play doh sculpture!” And oh what fun we had!


Take a moment to ask:

What lone pursuit has stalled?
What would a partner, a co-creator offer?
Where does 1+1=Amazing?

Lost in the Story…

I woke to find myself confused, uncertain, unsettled, my brain busy with thoughts – and decided to listen to a talk by Adyashanti which brought my awareness out of my head and into my heart. As my heart space grew, as inner peace and calm grew, I noticed how busy my head has been lately, how often I’ve shared the stories of life with people I care about. There have been many stories (No, I won’t go into them and get lost now!!) and many precious people to tell.

Yet … staying in the stories, retelling the happenings of life, had the impact of me losing “me”, losing the deep, inner presence that calms my spirit and allows me to be fully alive with you. I am reminded of balance – in this case, balancing the need for inner connection with the human need for relationship. And, in relationship, balancing the need for sharing the happenings, the stories, the activities, with the sharing of connection, heart-centered open presence with one another. What about you?

Where is storytelling keeping you from connection?
Where are you lost in your stories?
What change are you ready to make?