
As I write, life has again been full – all self-induced full. And truly, it was all goodHowever, I arrived at today knowing that I need space, breathing space, unstructured time, ease, day-dreaming time, slow time and time to be aware – simply aware of “this” and “this”.

How did this happen – again?

I have been here before so many times – knowing that my spirit desires time and space, letting be and rest. Lessons I am aware of today include:

  • while I planned space between activities, I forgot to plan follow-up time from those activities which ended up consuming my space
  • I neglected to honor the fact that my spirit desires full-out,energetic presence with others which means that fewer meetings, lunches, connections are what honors both me and my relationships
  • my ego, the human that feels good that you want to be with me needs to be tempered with Thank you … then a spirit-inspired choice that might be “No, not now” or “No, this isn’t for me” or “Absolutely and I’ll make real space for you”

Today I commit to you that I will:

  • pause and breathe
  • block out time in the week ahead for space
  • practice the kind of choosing that includes “No, not now” and “No, this isn’t for me” in addition to “Of Course!”

What about you?

What does your schedule look like?
What would space feel like?
What bold action (or non-action) will honor YOU?

I reached a limit …

Well actually, I went beyond it and the impact is physical injury. What is new for me is that the voice of “I did it! I tried! I went beyond fear! I allowed my inner child to play!” is stronger than the voice that says, “See. I told you to be careful.” and the voice that says, “How embarrassing. I should never have tried that in the first place. How will I face my friends?”

What really happened? I went to the trampoline park with two younger friends. While jumping, I heard several voices – my playful inner child, my ego watching what others were doing, my fear of trying the tricks I’ve seen others do, and the adult voice urging me to listen to my body. Needless to say, I didn’t listen enough to that last one and with but five minutes left in our jumping time, my tired body got strained. As I write, I cannot move without pain.

So I sit with the lesson. No, I am not hearing, “Stop risking, playing or trying new things. Stop listening to your inner child.” And to that I say, “HOORAY!!! Big victory!” Rather, there is a balance, or movement toward balance that asks to be honored. Deep listening, to wisdom rather than ego,  and honoring the message received, would have led me to stopping sooner. Had I listened to my body, the source of wisdom for this activity, I would have stopped when I knew my body was done. The result would have been:

I moved through fear.
I played.
I tried something new.
I took a risk.


I am moving freely, injury free, on the morning after.

What about you?

Where is your listening out of balance?
What voices control your choices?
Which deserve more attention?
What would the impact be?

Multi-Dimensional Living


I’m going out on a limb here to explore something with you. As with anything I write, take what you like and leave the rest. Take the bite that tastes good to you and chew on it. Notice any new flavors popping up in you and share them – please!

So, perhaps you have heard it suggested that we live in a many-dimensional universe – well beyond the three dimensions taught in school. You may have experienced the mystical realm either directly or perhaps as channeled through another human being. You may have received clear messages of past lives which inform you now. But if all of this sounds like hocus pocus to you, you might be ready to press the DELETE key and get rid of this message pronto!

If you’re still here, let me say that I’ve been on the side of DELETE IT NOW for decades. Life was a linear experience from birth to death. Skills and knowledge were meant to grow as I understood more and more about this thing called life. Answers came and questions were to become fewer and fewer. By death, I’d have it all figured out, right?

NOT! Experiences in recent years have me opening wide and embracing the idea that this human experience is about the questions, expansion, getting curious, and trusting the Universe to show me what’s next. On the topic of this multi-dimensional Universe, here are a few thoughts:

  • I can live from the ideas and beliefs that guided me as a child and during each major life phase along the way – I can “live in and from the past”
  • I can vision, daydream, imagine potential and use what I see to inform what I do now – I can “live the future”
  • I can choose to embrace the viewpoint of others who have walked the Earth (Jesus, Buddha, Mother Theresa, Ghandi, Pilgrims, Indians …) at any point in time and choose from that dimension, believe that my soul has been around before and let its experiences guide me now
  • I can be a very intentional human being here and now and put all of my attention on work, health, family, relationships … invest in this lifetime, this dimension
  • I can choose to believe in the existence of spiritual beings and seek out psychics or mediums to bring their guidance to me
  • I can focus deeply on my spiritual growth and release attachments to the physical in this lifetime
  • I can believe in the inner guidance of my intuition and focus on its development
  • I can …

And I can choose to be aware of and act from all of these perspectives, so many dimensions, here and now. I can believe that I live in a multi-dimensional Universe, a Universe of unlimited perspective and possibility. What do you think?

What potential lies in the acceptance of this concept?
What dimension would support you now?
And now?


Put on your ROBE!

bathRobeWhat ROBE, you ask? The ROBE of intention for living this day or completing this task, the ROBE of your life.

Perhaps this sounds silly and unnecessary. “Really, now. I wake up, get out of bed, and get going with my day, don’t you?” Well, yes, if we are blessed with yet another day on this planet, each of us does that. Today’s tidbit asks you to consider how you take those first steps of your day or approach the next activity and invites you to “don your ROBE” in the process:

(R)elax (O)pen (B)elieve (E)nergize

First, Relax. Loosen the tight grip on plans or fear, anxiety or even, for the moment, excitement. Open. From your relaxed being, open to possibility, to what is present right now in your awareness. Review what lies in front of you and (re)commit to your engagement. Then, Believe. Feel the assurance of “Yes, I Can!” or “Yes, this is what I am meant to be part of today.” Finally, Energize it. Channel your energy into what lies ahead. Focus the gift of your life energy on whatever it is that you are choosing to participate in. Don your ROBE, then go! Don’t forget to pause and review the impact of your ROBE when you’re through.

How will your ROBE support you today?
What beauty does your ROBE reveal?

Watching my garden grow

This morning, I gave myself permission to be with Life: the robins feeding their young, the clouds moving ever so slowly. And, the poppies popping! It has been three hours now since the first photo of the day:


with the poppies which were not open last night, OPEN! If you look ever so closely at the lower right-hand corner of that photo above, you’ll see the 4th poppy just starting to open. Then, an hour later, that same poppy bud open!


and another hour later:


and just one more hour later:


Okay – and one more hour later:


I’m floored! I’m also aware of Life in a new way. I have never allowed myself to witness nature like this before. Okay, I may be slow on the uptake here! And perhaps I DID witness such things when I was a child. Having spent Tuesday afternoon in the woods with a 2 1/2 year old who described the clouds as “cracking out” with such delight, it would seem a child simply cannot NOT witness the magic!

I guess some questions for me, and you, if you choose, are:

Where do I refuse to slow down and be fully present?
What is happening moment to moment that I miss?

What would a daily dose of wonderment do for my spirit?