Winter Hibernation …

It is December 28, 2016 as I write – though later as this post is coming to you. I have been listening, deeply, to my spirit, my soul, the voice within. And I’ve heard a message that surprised me. It was a deeper version of something I’ve heard before:

Jeanne, you know that “less is more”. You know that often you feel bombarded by the vast amount of information flowing to your Inbox, through Facebook, through bloggers. You also know that our answers are within and each of us must become willing and courageous enough to pause the input stream and listen. So why do you continue to write, to post, to add to the stream for others? What are you not hearing because you are “talking” more than listening? It is time, Jeanne, time to rest, to take a break from some things. Continue reading “Winter Hibernation …”

Why not believe?

It’s that time of year. Even if you don’t celebrate Christmas with a visit from Santa Claus, you can’t help but hear about him, especially here in the US.  Over the years, I have grown to want less and less of what Santa has come to represent: over-the-top giving of stuff that no one needs.

Today, however, I am pausing to see things differently.

What is the meaning of Santa Claus?

Santa is generosity, magic, joy, delight. Santa gives without expectation. Santa follows laws of cause and effect (have you ever gotten coal in your stocking?) but is otherwise non-judgmental and unconditional love. Santa offers hope. Santa is a guide for children who need a reason to do the right thing. Despite the Santa tracker on the news, Santa is invisible, coming and going without being noticed. Santa is simply Love personified, the real deal, that which many of us aspire to.

Why NOT believe?
What is the power in believing?

As I pondered that this morning, I thought about those people in my life who brought Santa to life over the years for me and the impact of their actions. I felt loved and wanted and seen. I felt the joy and delight that “Santa” wants for me. I felt the excitement and anticipation of Christmas morning. Because of Santa Claus, many human beings gift our world with Santa’s superhuman traits.

What’s wrong with that? Nothing!

No longer a child, I am aware that I get to be Santa now. I get to bring the love and joy and generosity and delight. I get to give people a reason to believe in the basic goodness of life. And I know the joy of giving, of bringing joy to others. How about you?

What if you believed in Santa?
What would believing create in you?

Vacation … and self-care


It has been 10 days since you’ve heard from me. I’ve been away visiting family, blessed by their love and the smiles of an almost two month old. I experienced nature in ways I could never get at home. I vacationed from many of the usual activities of my days: writing, coaching, making music, connecting with friends.

Yet I chose not to vacation from daily inspiration, meditation and great self-care.

What was the impact?

Freedom. I was free to be fully in the experiences while I was away. Leaving behind responsibilities and self-expectations created an openness of spirit to be present to new and different. Continuing self-care and honoring my body and spirit meant that I felt well and could truly be present to the awe and magic and love which flowed in my days.

What aspects of vacation belong in every day?

It would seem that being “fully in the experiences of life, open to what shows up” is something that would be very valuable every day, not just while on vacation. So I ask:

What is “openness of spirit” in responsibility?
What habits block your openness?

What allows you to be fully open and present?
Now what?


I see a lot of courage in coaching clients and I often call it out. Coaching has the tendency to invoke whole life change from the inside out and that takes tremendous courage! Why? Inside/Out change asks us, among other things, to:

  • become very clear on personal values and make choices which align with them
  • gain clarity on what we want to create with our lives and do what it takes to prepare ourselves to act boldly in service of our visions
  • face our inner demons and fears, old pain and regret, and move forward from the deepest truth and understanding we know in the moment
  • reconsider and revamp – or even release – habits, activities and relationships which do not align with who we come to know ourselves to be

I recently read this quote:

“Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of a readiness to die.”
G. K. Chesterton

It makes me ask:

Where is courage leading you?
What vision are you ready to die for?
What in you is ready to die in service of more?