If I Could Reverse It …

Today’s thought comes from “The Intuitive Way” by Penney Peirce. Ready?

Okay, but just a reminder before getting started. This is NOT about “beat me up” for all “I haven’t done”. It’s about clarity around choices and realizing that we can make new choices at any moment. Now…

If I could reverse three situations or chronic habits in my life …

What would they be?
How would I do it?
What would my life look like then?

That’s it from Penney, folks. Now, from the coach:

What changes are you called to make?
What vision will keep you focused?

What will you plant?

Springtime – a time for planting seeds in anticipation of the fall harvest. Perhaps an overused metaphor, but a good one and I’d like to invite you into it with me. What follows can be applied to any dream or goal, intention or vision. For the sake of this moment, call to mind one such vision you hold for the life ahead of you. As you can, imagine it clearly, complete, you – embodying your vision.

Feels good, yes? What? Are your thoughts suggesting it’s impossible – or – too far off to begin? Set them aside. Now is the time to begin.

The fall harvest of your dream requires many baby steps. Before overwhelm sets in, recall also that the seeds which you plant spend a lot of time by themselves, growing, expanding, doing what plants do. Continue reading “What will you plant?”

From “broken” or “whole”?

Many people – MANY PEOPLE – are doing personal development work. Whether in the context of work, physical well-being, as a parent or partner, personal development efforts are helping each of us be more of who we can be and making our world a better place. We are doing this work in many ways: books, teachers, guides, counselors, coaches. Perhaps you’ve tried more than one. Perhaps you’ve been on the journey for many years.

Today’s thought is simple:

How do you approach personal development?

Continue reading “From “broken” or “whole”?”


Insist on yourself; never imitate. Your own gift you can present every moment with the cumulative force of a whole life’s cultivation; but of the adopted talent of another, you have only an extemporaneous, half possession.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, Essay II Self-Reliance

I discovered a handwritten version of this quotation in an old journal last week. Once again, it struck me as profound and extremely helpful as I navigate life. Over the years, I have looked outside myself, compared my choices with yours, thought that I should be doing this because you are doing this. I’ve compared my impact with yours, forgetting that you are you and I am me. I’ve forgotten that the reason you are so capable at that has a lot to do with the life experiences you’ve encountered on the road to now.

When I am in the comparing place, I come up short. Continue reading “Self-Reliance”