Acknowledge it!

Today I’d like to invite you into a different way of noticing and celebrating “success” or forward movement. Often we only talk about what “gets done”, the visible, tangible manifestation that we can measure or check off a list. Unfortunately, we may miss the growth that happens along the way. It is the growth, the learning through the process, that aids us “next time”. NOTE: There is learning and growth … even in failure.

Here is the “acknowledgment twist” I’d like you to experiment with. The next time you complete something or want to celebrate, try speaking to the qualities (courage, persistence, patience, compassion…) that are present and which allowed you to “do the work”. Notice this isn’t about what you did but who you had to be in order to do it! The beauty here is that who you had to be is who you are and is available to you for each next thing!

Take some time today to notice the qualities in you that are showing up in your life. Regardless of the outcome of any experience, ask yourself:

How did I show up?
Did I exercise patience, compassion, calm?
Did I bring courage, vision, inner strength?

What is the gift that I am?

Museum of Childhood

Museum of Childhood From the Royal Mile in Scotland, the Museum of Childhood

Take a moment. Travel back in time to your childhood. What are you aware of? Notice what was part of your childhood, what was possible in your experience. Notice also what seemed out of reach. Revisit people and places, sights and sounds, colors and emotions, activities and creativity, play and growth, pain and joy.

What memories need healing?
What from your childhood would enhance your life now?

What would support you in visiting your museum?

That “Glow”

It has been almost two weeks since I returned from Scotland. I’ve been asked often about the trip – and as often: “Is the glow still with you?” The glow, the feelings, the learning, the intentions that I brought back from that powerful experience, “Are they still with me?”

Well, I have watched them be present and be forgotten. And I have brought them back into my awareness. Yes, they are still with me. This trip was a huge confirmation of my path at this stage in my life, a confirmation that I have worked hard,done so much, and “get to”: Continue reading “That “Glow””

Make Your Dreams Come True

What is it that you’ve always wanted to do or create … and promised yourself that you would do … when you had the time? What dreams have you stacked on the highest shelf in the basement storage room? What’s in that pile that has grown larger over the years as time and energy were consumed by other obligations? When was the last time you invested in a personal dream?

Yes, you do have dreams! Continue reading “Make Your Dreams Come True”

Purpose …

Today arrived – or should I say – I woke up to this day around 5:00am. One of my first thoughts, I’m excited to report, was this:

What is my purpose today?

Why get out of this warm, cozy, comfy bed? Why stretch this body and move it through the overnight tightness to daytime flexibility? Why be on the planet today?

Continue reading “Purpose …”