Where do you “create from scratch”?

So often we follow a recipe” or “read the book” or “play the music”.  We “do the steps” their way. Today I wonder where you create from scratch. What is it that emerges from inside you when you allow it?

Take a moment and bring to your awareness just what it feels like when you “create from scratch”. Imagine:

Do you feel pride or joy?
What’s it like to share your gifts?
What energy flows through your body when you are creating?

What would be missing if you refused to “create from scratch”?

Are you “you”?

Who are you? What is the absolute essence that you alone can be? Like the snowflakes, every single human being is unique and unlike every other being to live before or after. Does the world see the intricate beauty of your snowflake? Or are you part of a snow ball, a snow man, a snow igloo? Have you merged with others for the sake of “belonging” or “security” and by doing so abandoned your essence? Have you melted?

Today, allow yourself to notice where in life you are most “you” and in what situations “you” get lost.

What does it feel like to be “you”?
What is the price tag on your snow igloo?
What part of your essence are you ready to reclaim?

Reveal Your Inner Beauty

Have you heard about Michelangelo and how he managed to create such beautiful works of art? They say he believed the work of art was inside the stone, waiting to be revealed. His job as sculptor was simply to excavate, to remove any stone which was not a part of the finished artwork.

Today I am asking you to be the artist in your life. Your job is to:

  • believe that you are a work of art
  • remove whatever does not belong or release what no longer works in your life

What ideas, habits, beliefs need to be released?
What truth, what beauty, is waiting to be revealed?
What will you release today?

What is your leadership style?

You ARE a leader. Do you know that? We all are. Everyone of us leads – and follows. Messages of leadership are all around us. With the holiday season around the corner, I am reminded of the story, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. If you haven’t watched this holiday classic every year since 1964 as I have, here is a link so you can catch up:


You can also read about the plot line here:


Rudolph and Clarice

As you think about leadership, consider how you lead at work, in your family, in your own life. Let Rudolph give you some things to think about with these questions:

  • Where are you hiding your unique leadership style? (like Rudolph hiding his nose)
  • Where does your leadership douse another’s light? (like Santa and Donner forcing Rudolph to wear a false nose)
  • Where does your leadership style exclude another? (like Coach Comet)
  • Where are you support for another’s growth? (like Clarice)
  • Where are you courageously breaking off from the tribe to be your (misfit) self? (like Hermey the dentist)
  • Where are you leading others to their truth? (like Yukon Cornelius supporting Hermey and Rudolph)
  • Where do you stand up for the misfits? (like Rudolph)
  • Where is your leadership strong, bright, powerful?
  • What will have you “go down in history”?
Hermie and Rudolph

The Blank Slate Perspective

STOP! How often when making decisions do you listen to that insessant, confusing, projecting, self-reprimanding conversation in your head? Pretty exhausting, huh? The next time you aren’t sure which way is the right way, consider:

  • First, there very well may be more than one right way, more than one good option.
  • Second, you can try a few different options before settling on one that feels right for you.

And lastly, consider the blank slate. Honor yourself, your knowledge, your creativity, your inner guidance enough to imagine the situation from the blank slate perspective. If I started from scratch, how would I do it? Go ahead! list every awesome, wild, wonderful, crazy, horrible, phenomenal idea you can muster! Then ask yourself:

What will I do THIS time?