What do you withhold?

“If you limit your actions in life to things that nobody can possibly find fault with, you will not do much.”

Lewis Carroll

That quote pretty much explains itself. What actions, beliefs, passions, relationships can you imagine where no one on this planet would disagree or find some fault with? Yet, wasn’t Galileo hanged for beliefs which were later embraced by all?

I wonder:

What limitations have you embraced in order to avoid rejection?
In what ways are you NOT you?
What are you withholding from future generations?

New Growth

Springtime is here as evidenced by the rapid, new growth on so many plants and trees. Spring growth is often tender, delicate, paper thin and requires gentleness of tending to avoid ripping and premature death. Yet, with exquisite care in the early phases, spring growth becomes strong, hearty and mature before our very eyes.

It is the same for you and me. With courage, we plant new seeds, new talents and skills, new ways of being and we nourish this growth in ourselves. With exquisite care, our newness matures before our very eyes! Yet impatience, intolerance, judgment, comparisons and unwillingness to be “a newbie” can uproot this growth in an instant.

What new growth are you nurturing this spring?
What exquisite care are you practicing?
What is your vision of maturity?


What are you passionate about? What is it that, when you engage with it, you lose yourself, time stands still, you are energized?

I let myself peak behind this card today and found that I am passionate about inviting YOU into your passion! I am passionate when my actions, when who I am, has a positive impact in our world. I am passionate about expanding and sharing my expansive spirit. 

What about you? Is your passion ignited as:

  • an expression of your creativity?
  • engaging in an organization whose mission you feel deeply about?
  • being in relationship?
  • ??

What is YOUR passionate impact?
What helps you BE that?


Marketing – or – Sourcing?

I struggle with “marketing”. I struggle with the word and I struggle with what society and business suggest that, as a business owner, I *should* do to promote my work. Since 2009 when I began life coaching, I have created and distributed brochures, blogged, created and maintained a website, practiced elevator speeches, attended networking events and been members of such organizations.

Yet, the outcome of my personal end-of-year review this past March 2 was this:

2014: The Year I Embrace Being, Intuition, Visioning and Celebrating ME!

And I found myself writing, “I am my own walking billboard”! Marketing feels like “telling you about me”. That is quite different from:

Being me – Listening to my intuition – Visioning/Setting intentions – Celebrating who I am!

In talking about this dilemma with my coach, I discovered the word, Sourcing. When I source my 2014 intention, when I embrace the idea of connecting to who I am, to being with the energy that sources me, when I practice sourcing, I come from a rich, full, engaging, lively, joyous place. From here, everywhere I am, everyone I meet, anything I do, becomes a place where “marketing” or “letting the world see me” happens.

I am committed to Sourcing, to feeding the being that I am, the energy that is me, celebrating this energy and sharing me with YOU.

What does marketing mean to you?
What is its purpose?
What action steps are yours to take?

Finally, what sources YOU?

Be who you are, Hon!

Last summer, a dear friend and colleague gave me a very large gift in the form of these simple words:

“Be who you are, Hon!”

In essence, she was saying, “Jeanne, you are unique. You have your own wonderful set of gifts and talents. You have your own very personal ways of moving in the world, recharging, connecting with Life, creating impact. Be that. Judge not. Compare not. Be you.”

So today, I give you this gift: Be who you are! There is no one else like you on this entire planet. Do not let the unique essence of YOU go unexpressed in this lifetime. Be you! So I ask:

Who are you?
What is the purest essence that is you?
What do you refuse to see about you?
What will you express today?