Don’t Blink, Don’t Label!


This morning, the air is cool with a slight breeze, the sun is rising, the birds are singing, and the sky is magical. Actually, the entire scene is picturesque and phenomenal. It is the magical sky, however, that caught my attention.

Sitting on my front porch, I decided to write down every word that could be used to describe the vision I was witnessing: sky, clouds, white, grey, blue, feathers, tendrils, shimmering, sea, floating, gorgeous, artistic, swirling, expansive.

Then I looked away for a short time and when my eyes returned to the scene, it was totally different! Now words like changing, washing out, soft, cotton, bumpy seemed more appropriate.

Don’t blink – you’ll miss something! Add to that, don’t label, you’ll miss so much. Oh the days that I have looked up and saw only sky and clouds. As a child, I saw bunnies and dragons, pillows and castles in the sky! And I dared not blink because I might lose sight of my imaginary playmates.

Now? Too often I let the labels – sky and cloud – determine what I see. “Cloud” might mean rain. Rain means I cannot ride my scooter (i.e. “bad”).

What about you? What magic is life offering that you miss out on because:

  • you’ve simplified the view with labels?
  • you “blinked”, looked away, consumed with the current task?
  • you decided you knew it all already so you didn’t pause to look anew and be curious?

If you are too young to have heard the song Both Sides Now by Joni Mitchell, or if you haven’t read the lyrics in a few decades, please get curious right now! The song came from my memory banks as I was observing the clouds this morning. What I found when I Google’d to find the lyrics, was such depth of awareness – WOW!

Both Sides Now – lyrics
Both Sides Now – video

What does this song open up in you today?

Power In Perspective

Good morning! Yes, it’s morning. And it feels “good”. Yet it didn’t feel that way a short 30 minutes ago. In fact, with a day wide open with choices, few commitments and a lovely weather forecast, my being felt depression instead of joy, excitement, pleasure or curiosity. And I didn’t want to stay there. I wanted to find a way to be with the moments, activities and the day ahead of me that was closer to pure delight than the depression that was present.

What shifted? It was quite simple and I want to share it with you. First, I decided to remove the “depression” label. Okay, gone! Then, aware that there were feelings that reminded me of depression, and knowing that those feelings color my view of life and everything in it, I asked myself:

How would I feel about the day ahead if the depression glasses were off?

Immediately, I realized that:

  • I would be grateful that I get to be with a dear friend at 7:00am
  • I would be excited to dig in to the possible projects on the list.
  • I realized that the day would not be long enough for all the possibilities so I would be in delightful anticipation with the giggles and joy of a child.

Wow! With that one shift in perspective:

How would I feel about the day ahead if the depression glasses were off?

I found myself out of the box of depression, open to possibility, and excited to be alive!

How about you?

What activities are you anticipating with dread?
What feelings are walling you off from the joy of life?
What change in perspective would you like to entertain?

There is power in perspective. We can choose the perspective and claim personal power to create our life. Or, we can let circumstance choose the perspective and find ourselves disempowered in a box that is not of our choosing.

What perspective will you choose today?

FEAR — Redefined!


Recently I wrote about non-attachment and letting go in order to really live. And, for me, letting go is often laced with fear. So a quick look at fear seems in order.  First, fear is an emotion. It is meant to suggest we take a closer look. Sometimes the fear is warranted by circumstance and pausing to notice the fear may save us from harm.

Sometimes it isn’t. Sometimes fear is a gremlin, a voice trying to keep us stuck in old habits which no longer serve us. Or fear may be an internalized message that we can’t do “it” or aren’t good enough. Each time we listen to the fear we solidify a belief that just may not be true!

Next time you sense unwarranted fear coming on, stop and let fear be an acronym for what might really be going on inside of you. Try on these FEAR acronyms:

(F)eeling (E)dgy (A)nd (R)esistent?
alse (E)vidence (A)ppearing (R)eal
ight (E)nds. (A)llow (R)est.
ind (E)nergy (A)nd (R)eassurance.
(F)antastic (E)xperience (A)waits (R)ecognition
ollow (E)ach (A)ppropriate (R)eminder
reely (E)ngage. (A)ctively (R)espond.
(F)ly! (E)njoy (A)mazing (R)esonance.

Pick one that has a grain a truth for you and use it to move through the current fear. Perhaps your fear is the result of exhaustion and uncertainty. Choose (F)ind (E)nergy (A)nd (R)eassurance. Then ask yourself:

What would energize me now?
What message would reassure me?
Who can I ask for support?

Then take the energizing step. Ask for support. Wait until you feel energized and reassured. Then return to what it was that triggered fear in you and go for it!

What is it like to move through your fear?

(*) For a bit more on the topic of FEAR, check out: Beyond Fear

The Value of Intention …

Intention … Vision … Dream … the future that you see in your mind and heart and soul and move toward with every cell in your body.

What do you vision?
What dream is in your heart?

Today’s message is especially for those of you who have struggled with the idea of vision or had dreams that you gave up on and have since stopped dreaming. The first piece of the message is:

Don’t stop dreaming!

But choose your dreams carefully and then add to your dream statement:

This dream — or something better!

Always stay open. Rather than seeing your dream or vision as specific and detailed, think of it as an intention or energy toward which, and in which, you move. In your daily choices, ask:

Does this activity align with my dream?
Is this relationship supportive of my vision?
Is this thing I will purchase part of the future I desire?

Even (or especially!) the thoughts you ponder and the words you speak, these too are VERY powerful!

Is this idea, this thought stream, aligned with my vision?

If you can answer “Yes!” to the questions above, then your dream or vision is a valuable intention that is guiding you. Your journey will undoubtedly twist and turn and you will have choices to make. Keep choosing in alignment with your intention and surprises will be delightful!

Will your dream be fulfilled?

Most likely as “This, or something better!”

The Impact of Sleep …


… or the lack of it! I woke today after a fitful night’s sleep, waking perhaps 20 times in the night. Not fun! Nor does such a night result in a strong desire to face the coming day. For me, sleeplessness can result in fear, frustration, impatience, intolerance and doubt that I can get through what lies ahead.

Here’s the thing. Any one of us may have multiple reasons for sleepless nights – from the physical to the emotional to chemical imbalance – any of which can cause our bodies not to rest well. I encourage you to seek whatever professional support you may need to explore what is contributing to your sleep challenges. And …

And … become willing to look at the negative impact of your sleeplessness on those around you and realize that you have a choice. You can choose to focus on how little sleep you got and how bad you feel and how you won’t be able to fulfill on the day’s activities. And then, by all means, make sure that you complain loudly to everyone who appears to listen about how awful you feel.

Or … you can choose to affirm that all is well and your sleep was sufficient. Consider holding these affirmative messages with you throughout the day:

  • I am grateful for the sleep I experienced last night
  • I have sufficient energy to do what needs to be done today
  • I feel rested and alive

And perhaps these practices, combined with those affirmations, will be helpful. Every hour or every change in activity today:

  • Pause and take three deep breaths, with each one affirm the statements above.
  • Pause and breathe into your heart space, and let the fact that your heart is beating bring a smile to your face.
  • Notice someone around you who seems to be struggling. Affirm for yourself that “all is well” and then ask, “How are YOU today?” and give the gift of listening.

What is the impact of your lack of sleep?
What if you chose mindfully to have positive impact instead?