What if you knew that “all is well”?

What if, in the face of physical pain, disaster, stress, discomfort, intense growth or any other of life’s challenges, what if, in every situation, in every moment, you knew: “All is well”?

Think about it. We human beings can get through an amazing lot of challenge when we know it’s worth it and that it will end. As a simple example, consider the 30 minute exercise video that feels like it will turn your body to mush. With each passing minute, knowing that it will end, you actually feel more and more positive and anticipate the celebration of success!

And sometimes, “outer knowing” is not available. We can’t know when “it” will end or how “it” will turn out.

Inner knowing, however, believing, having faith, these are personal choices. In any situation, we can choose to believe, to know, that “All is well.

What does the “all is well” perspective offer you?


What is your relationship with time? Do you:

Experience it?
Use it wisely?
Cherish it?
Fear you’ll waste it?
Fill it up?
Budget it?
Never have enough of it?

What would be different if there was no time?

The Mirage

Okay. What are you worrying about? Over planning for? Fearing? What is out there in front of you stealing your attention?

Guess what? It’s all a mirage. Yes, really! No matter how much you think and plan and prepare for “it”, “it” will be different. “It” might feel awful when it arrives; “It” might be awesome! Either way, in this moment, “it” is in the future and will shift before you get there. “It” is in your imagination. “It” is a mirage.

So today, come back here to now. Take a breath. Focus away from the mirage. 

What is really present now?


The next time you find yourself racing to get “it” done, or whirling with thoughts about what isn’t “right”, take a moment to stop, breathe in deeply and repeat:

I am enough. I have enough. I do enough.

Repeat as often as you need to until you sense an internal energy shift. Be here.

What do you notice?
What voices have been silenced?
What voices can now be “heard”?
What is enough?

What you believe …

Our chosen belief system has a HUGE impact on our lives – but then, you knew that. Well, I just want to share with you an experience that began one hour ago. The story? I was doing my husband a favor – a ten minute favor – before getting into this day which has clients and stuff to do! We were delayed. Ten minutes became 40. I watched as my insides got triggered. My emotional being got stressed and frustrated, my heart was pounding, my head was spinning with how the inconvenience would impact my morning.

Ever happen to you? Continue reading “What you believe …”