Speak to something you don’t know

Yes, that’s right. Tell me something you DON’T know! In those thousands of thoughts we think each day, in the words we speak which so often relay “what has happened”, what are we learning? How are we expanding?

If we allow it, life always invites us deeper and wider. Our lives go nowhere when filled with nothing but “the stories we tell ourselves”. Growth happens in each “Ah ha!” awareness, each message from our emotional body that we didn’t predict, from the words we utter that seem to come from outside ourselves.

So, today, consider pausing before you speak, before you recite “the story”. Breathe into the moment and wonder:

What don’t I know?

Then, speak to that.


You have heard that the one constant in life is change. We navigate change when we get honest with ourselves and take action. Sometimes, however, we don’t take action. Sometimes we don’t get gut level honest.

Sometimes what’s needed is the precursor to both honesty and action: willingness.

Sometimes, when we’re really stuck, we need to be willing to be willing!

Where do you find unwillingness in you?
Where have self-will or stubbornness run amuck?
Where would willingness create the needed shift?


Integrity is the state of being whole, entire, or undiminished. Today’s tidbit invites you into dialogue with the deepest truth of your being.

How often do your choices, actions, and words align with your beliefs, values and vision for your life?
Are you in integrity with yourself?

I’d like to invite you into a deep awareness of personal beliefs, values and vision – and then into choices that match this deep truth. Why? Because being “in integrity” with our truth, even when it is “the road less traveled”, feels good, empowering, clear. When integrity is absent, when our doing doesn’t match our being, life can be hard and feel heavy.

In what ways are you “out of integrity”?
What habits or activities don’t line up with who you are now?
What step will you take today to move toward greater integrity with yourself?

That “Glow”

It has been almost two weeks since I returned from Scotland. I’ve been asked often about the trip – and as often: “Is the glow still with you?” The glow, the feelings, the learning, the intentions that I brought back from that powerful experience, “Are they still with me?”

Well, I have watched them be present and be forgotten. And I have brought them back into my awareness. Yes, they are still with me. This trip was a huge confirmation of my path at this stage in my life, a confirmation that I have worked hard,done so much, and “get to”: Continue reading “That “Glow””