Another Pause

It is March 9, 2015. I woke with a song in my heart space: May My Heart Break by Stowe and Karen of These powerful lyrics are guiding me in this moment:

As I lie here in the stillness of a brand new day
and imagine all the possibilities.
I am humbled by this life and by the part I play.
And my gratitude just brings me to my knees.

This is my prayer. This is my plea.
Would you blind me to all separation I might see.
Bring down the walls. Let judgment fall away.
May my heart break open today.

I am moved to connect, to see our oneness, to live fully my part in this life. And I know that I am meant to explore deeply inside myself and be with others in rich, inter-personal connection.

I am once again called to write less – and less. For each of you who find inspiration on-line, please soak it in and then live into it! For each of you who, like me, desire the human touch for your inspiration, give it, receive it, live it.

For this moment, not knowing when I will return, I say, farewell. May you treasure the life you have been given and live it authentically, fully, freely.

Bowling Alley Wisdom Part V

In case you missed part IV, you’ll find it here:

Bowling Alley Wisdom Part IV: The Ball

Lesson #5: The Foul Line

There is line at the end between the approach part of the lane and the alley itself. This is the foul line and may not be crossed. The penalty for breaching the foul line is a loss of all pins knocked down with that ball. Additionally, a very obnoxious alarm sounds and a red light glows to let everyone around you know that you have crossed the foul line.

Why does a bowler cross the line?

  • he lined up too close to the line and didn’t leave sufficient distance for his preparation, his approach
  • she got overzealous and lost control during her approach and simply went too far
  • he is a beginner and still developing the skill and coordination needed to deliver the ball smoothly from behind the line
  • she suffered an equipment malfunction in her body and simply wasn’t herself at delivery

How does the foul line and its alarm show up and guide us in life? I suspect the responses are many! Here are a few:

  • speed limits … and red lights in the mirror
  • assignments from teachers or coaches designed to help us succeed at the “next step” on the path
  • social graces which help us navigate relationships and which, when ignored, sometimes set off big, painful “alarms”

What are the foul lines in your life?
Which have you crossed?
What caused you to cross the line?
What was the impact?

Which foul lines have become too restrictive?
What will you do about that?

Are you a YES or a NO?

Today’s message is simple. Are you approaching your life from YES? When opportunities arise, is your first impulse to say, “Of course!”?

Or, do you come from NO? “I couldn’t possibly…” or “I’d like to but …” or “I couldn’t. I’m not capable!”

Take a moment to bring to mind people you spend time with – friends, colleagues, family members. For each, just notice: Are they a YES or a NO person? Which energy do you prefer to be with? We cannot change someone else. But it is our responsibility to be the change we want to see in this world. So I ask you now:

Does your energy say YES?
What is the impact on others when you come from YES?
What is the impact on YOU when you come from YES?