What is powerful enough to break through your resistance?

Today, I’m looking at my resistance around seeking help with a physical issue that is making good sleep nearly impossible. What keeps me from pursuing every avenue available to help me overcome this very challenging situation?

Here’s what I am noticing. The reasons I don’t want to ask for help boil down to fear: fear of changes I may have to make and of the time it will take. I’ve heard there are only two emotions: fear and love. If we’re not in “love”, we’re in “fear”. So I asked:

What would a dose of love and compassion do for me?

and wrote myself a letter from a compassionate and loving voice. What happened? Resistance cracked. Those “reasons” flowed out onto the page balanced with:

Love yourself into wholeness.
Physical challenges are part of the human experience.
Acceptance goes a long way!

I leave you with these questions:

What are you resisting?
What are you afraid of?
What do you hear when you listen from love?
What power lies in self-compassion?

What if you believed …?

I sit with my morning coffee, a full morning ahead of me. One voice within suggests I get busy, get ready, “fit it all in”, hurry because time is short.

Then I hear another voice:

What if I believed there was enough time?
What would I do, how would I be, if I knew there was enough?

Without thinking, my body takes in a deep breath. I really notice the warmth and flavor of the coffee. I remain seated, unmoving, unhurried, trusting that whatever needs to happen, will. Whatever must be done, will get done. I trust that whatever I need in order to be fully present and engaged with the moments ahead of me, I will receive.

What if you believed there was enough time?

The Greatest Gift

Recently I wrote about giving and receiving:

The Circle of Giving … and Receiving!

Both are so very important.  Today I share a perspective on giving and would love to hear your thoughts:

The greatest gift I can give another human being is a pointer to their own self-love, self-acceptance, self-trust, self-honoring, self-respect. There is no gift, no object, no anything short of you expanding your love of you that has as much impact, value and longevity.

When I trust and respect myself enough to be responsible for my well-being and my impact, I am free to love, to let you be you, to expand into my full expression. When I instead look to others for assurance that I am okay, when I expect you to take care of me, when I refuse to be responsible for the only person in the world that I am 100% responsible for, then we all lose.

The greatest gift I can offer you is a gentle mirror that shows you the beauty that you are.

Who needs you to be a mirror today?


Hummingbirds return …


You have likely read about my hummingbird obsession before:

One With All Creation

This week they have returned for the season. Again they touch me deeply. I take my first cup of coffee outside around 5:30 am and invite them, “I’m here. You can come now.” Today, it took perhaps 15 seconds before the first visitor arrived on the feeder.

The gift came when I was about to journal some thoughts on how “not enough” I am, how disappointed I was in my own behavior of the morning. I looked up and saw my bird friend sitting atop the feeder, wings at his side, still. [I just looked again now and, no kidding, he is again sitting, still, in that same location. I have never before seen a hummingbird in that spot!] The message?

“Jeanne, pause. Be still. You are so enough just as you are.”

Do you know what? So are you! Pause. Be still. Take in a deep breath. Let yourself cherish you for a few moments.

When a choice needs to be made…

When you face a choice and find yourself uncertain, confused or fearful, pause. Align your awareness with your gut, your core values, your intuitive knowing to discern the “rightness” of each possible option. Ask:

Which option is an expression of the deepest truth I know?

If you listen, you’ll hear the one which resonates and brings clarity.

Are there others in your life who will be impacted by this decision? If so, certainly consult with them; let their needs and desires inform you. But always, give yourself the gift of discovering your inner clarity first. Often, this is the option that serves everyone best!