Infinite Possibility!

I selected this card at random today.


Infinite Possibilities coaching card

Its questions pointed me toward infinite possibility from several perspectives. Here are just a few:

What illuminates your vision?
What distorts the view?
In what ways do you refuse to change?
Where are you out of resonance?
How do you embrace unlimited?
What future is worth creating?
What future is here now?

I am struck by the questions about the future as I’ve spent many years with “one day at a time” and “be present now” and “just this”. I wouldn’t trade those for anything! Yet, today I wonder: What is the future I desire, the future worth creating, the future I want for generations to come? I am creating that future with every action I take today. So are you. There is a very wise saying:

Today is merely the sum of past choices

So today is yesterday’s future, yes? Take some time with the questions above. Get clear on the future you want to live into. Dare to acknowledge where you are holding back, out of resonance, resistant to change and, therefore, blocking the very future you desire. Then, take action!

What bold steps will you take today toward Infinite Possibility?

Just for me … continued

Yesterday’s post:

Just for me …

ended with:

Is it okay to do something “just for me”?
What can make this register as “okay” in my brain?
What if it isn’t a question for my brain?


Today, returning to those questions, my heart – and my soul – immediately knew what I needed to hear. It isn’t a new message, rather one I obviously have a hard time remembering! But for this moment, I remember and I’d like to share it with you. As always, take what you like, make it your own and leave the rest!

We – you, me and every other being on planet Earth – even Mother Earth herself – we are one. We are united, interconnected. We are not separate beings. We are Spirit-God-Source-Universe manifest as me, as you, as tree, as mountain lion. We are this thing called Life.

If that is true – if I believe it to be true (and I do) – then:

Just for ME == Just for WE

What I do to me, for me, as me impacts the greater WE. If I do something nice for me, WE benefit. If I do something ill toward me, if I treat my body or mind or heart poorly, WE are pained.

If this message holds truth, then it is important that each of us practice conscious and respectful Just for me sometimes.

What would a little “just for me” look like today?

Just for me …

Another noticing today … and this one may resonate with some of you – or not! And I will let that be okay. Here goes. I find it very difficult, with but one exception, to do something that is just for me. The exception is taking care of my physical body. I passionately exercise, eat well, stretch, sleep … in ways that honor my body.

Everything else? Hard.

It is hard to play the piano, just for me. It is hard to take a class, just for me. It is hard to get a massage ’cause it’s just for me. 

It is easy to make time for you, or practice the piano to play for you, or do artwork that has a purpose: for you.

If you can relate … what’s this about?

For me, it is a very old message about service that I learned in childhood. I want to be ready to change the message. Yet even as I write that, I hear a new message in my head that says: “There must be a reason why doing stuff for me is also good for you!” Really? Give me a break!

Must all my actions in this life be in service of something greater?

I have written lots about how taking care of “me” is good for “you”. And I know that to be true. Whether by example, or by allowing you to take care of you, or simply by being in a better mood because I’ve taken care of me, there are many reasons why healthy self-care benefits “you”.

Yet today I wonder:

Is it okay to do something “just for me”?
What can make this register as “okay” in my brain?
What if it isn’t a question for my brain?

To be continued …

The Lost Art of Being

This morning, I lit candles, poured coffee, sat down, got out my journal and began to write.  I became aware that the environment said, “notice me”, while my actions were too busy to take it in.

So I stopped. Took in a deep breath. Then another.

I almost went back to writing. Somehow just being present to the moment, the space, was a big challenge.

What happens when you stop and be?

When I finally allowed myself to breathe and observe and be, just be, I noticed an underlying judgment:

I am wasting precious time.

Bam! That old tape is still there. Now I don’t really believe that anymore. But I obviously have a ways to go in the practice of BE first, DO from BEING!

Setting the judgement aside, I returned to just being and began to notice what was around me.  I noticed the many people who have blessed my life and whose gifts are here in this room. Just being allowed me to feel their presence. Tears of connection and appreciation filled me. My heart swelled. Wasting time? I think not.

What about you? What happens when you:

  • stop, breathe and be present to what is?
  • stop, breathe and really be with the person in front of you?
  • stop, breathe and fully immerse your attention in “just this”?

What will happen when the lost art of being returns?


Open your mind …

Spiritual teacher, Adyashanti, speaks about opening your mind so it is vast enough to include anything. In this way, we aren’t knocked off balance when “life hits”. Think about it:

  • When our mind wants things a certain way
  • When we operate under a strict set of rules for right and wrong
  • When “a good day” must include: a great night’s sleep, the kids getting themselves up and ready without a fight, gas in the tank, colleagues at work in a good mood, etc…

Then, when anything goes awry, we are likely to get upset, lose our serenity, lash out. Imagine instead your mind so vast that you include it all – the kids being kids, the colleagues in a rough spot, the gas tank on empty because someone else didn’t fill it. Nothing that happens can be so large that it disrupts your inner peace, balance, sanity. When “it” happens, you say, “Oh, this too. Okay.”

Try it. Try practicing “this too” whenever something unforeseen shows up today. Maybe even try letting go of your definition of a “good” day or a ” bad” day. Just this day. Just this task. Just this.

What fits when your mind is wide open?