What? Isn’t a shadow a dark cloud? Doesn’t the shadow mean we are blocking the light?
Well, here’s the metaphor of the day. Today, I was doing my first thing in the morning visioning in my sacred space. It was early and still dark outside. The only light in the space (outside of the light in me, that is) was the candle. I inadvertently stood in front of the candle and noticed my HUGE shadow on the opposite wall and ceiling. Then, I began to walk toward that shadow. What happened? If you don’t know, try it.
Now, of course it shrunk!
I offer you two ways to interpret this. Choose whichever works for you in this moment – or – create your own powerful interpretation and share it as a comment! Here goes:
- When we stand nearest the Light, the Source of strength, Truth, Power, Integrity — pick your definition — our impact on the world is HUGE! When we abandon or move away from the true Source of our inner strength, our being, we shrink.
- When we are faced with a challenge – a big, dark, fearsome shadow on the path of life – if we move toward it, embrace the opportunity to grow and face it head on, it shrinks!
What is the Source of your inner strength?
What will move you closer to that Source?
What is your impact when you are centered in that Source?
What challenge awaits your head-on, Source-infused courage?