When my choice impacts you …

Challenges Ahead

How are you when the decision you face holds the potential for major impact on those around you? Perhaps it’s  the decision to divorce or change jobs or move far away from family. Likely you don’t make these decisions lightly. But do you:

  • Build a case your head why the current situation (or the people in it) is bad and you have to run the other direction?
  • Worry about what they will think and how they will feel and perhaps ignore the voice in your gut that knows what you need?
  • Get stuck in thinking and rethinking and trying to figure out how to make it good for everyone involved?

Here’s the hard truth. There will most likely be folks who dislike your actions, are negatively impacted by your choices, who think you have betrayed them. And no matter how hard you try, you cannot fix or take care of them. Period. Plus, they have the power to choose how they respond, how they feel, how they react to your choice.

The next time you face a major decision, try this out:

  1. Ask yourself: If no one else was impacted, what is my truth here? What is my gut telling me to do?
  2. Try on other scenarios. What does it feel like in you to go against your gut? What regrets might you hold if you chose one of these?
  3. Separate your feelings from your gut knowing. Take time to be with your own sadness or discomfort, dis-ease or fear. Acknowledge how you feel and know that feelings are meant to guide us. They may be a warning suggesting we stay put. They may be a challenge inviting us to move forward through our fear.
  4. Take time to be aware of how you think others will be impacted. Then know that you could be wrong! Also, consider seeing them as strong and capable of taking care of themselves, perhaps even expanding into more of who they can be in your absence.
  5. Know who your safe others are, persons who can be objective and who care about you, and bounce ideas off of them. You alone, however, make the final decision and must be responsible for your impact.

If, after all of this, your decision is one with major impact, let your compassionate, wise, loving, caring self be gentle but firm in the message delivery. Speak your truth clearly yet honestly, honoring yourself and the other. Be open to the impact but don’t take it personally. Caring for others doesn’t mean we never disappoint them or do things which cause them to feel anger or hurt or fear. If we really care, we see them as fully empowered to move through their emotions, getting the support they need, and growing through the situation.

No one said a life which includes deeply caring about others as well as ourselves was going to be easy. In fact, it can be one of the most courageous things we’ll ever do! Yet, I wonder:

Is there really any other way?

The Gift of Awareness

Bring the gift of awareness into your day today. Choose a touchstone, a reminder, to keep with you all day long. Perhaps it is a ring on your finger, or clouds, or the act of walking through a doorway. Then, each time you see your touchstone, pause. Invite a message from each of your senses: sight, touch, hearing, taste, smell, intuition.

What is really here now?


I read this recently:

When a conflict arises between the need to belong and the need to grow, we have to make a choice.  We must either sacrifice a part of ourselves to maintain our belonging, or we must risk the approval and support of the group by growing.

The inner journey often finds us face-to-face with our deep truth. Choosing personal truth can feel hard as it often means letting go of something else. That something else served us for awhile. It may still serve us in some ways. Yet, in order to cross the next “hurdle” or leap ahead into our future, we need to be willing to release what no longer fits.

What choice are you facing?
What are you hanging onto?
What are you sacrificing in order to hang on?
What risk must you consider?

What’s really going on?

I ask that of myself … and hope that you’ll do the same.

As you know, I’ve taken quite a break from writing to you. Lately, I’ve been re-reading a few books, including my own, and just today heard this message:

Jeanne, you haven’t blogged lately. I notice that you are resisting. And more, I notice that you haven’t considered blogging to share this truth! What’s that about?

You see, the book:


speaks VERY clearly to finding our OWN voice, our OWN truth, and daring to live into it. In fact, I wrote it in the spring of 2014 as a journey of my truth throughout that time frame – no more and no less. So, I was reminded today that speaking/blogging my truth with you was enough. Actually, it is “just right”.

Today, that truth is this: I am in a very generative, green, expansive, personal time in my life right now. In the midst of all of this, I am less inclined to write, to tell, to share as I am to experience, to actually LIVE LIFE.  And that is what I’ve been doing. And I haven’t been writing. And I need to let that be okay.

What about you:

What’s really going on?
What is YOUR truth?
What do you WANT to share?
What else?

What is your “counter-cultural intention”?

It takes intention and staying power to live counter-culturally.

I spoke those words to a friend yesterday and they struck a cord in her. I took that as a sign to go deeper for, in that moment, they’d just flown off my tongue.

What did I mean?

For me, counter-cultural describes much of what I create as I live into purpose and passion and a life of service. Much of how I spend my life energy is not what society and the world of marketing, consumption and busyness would suggest. I value inner quiet, meditation, personal integrity, the human spirit. Your counter-cultural is likely different and might be choosing health while surrounded by family or coworkers who don’t.

Here’s the thing: we are all called to change the world – to make the world a better place. This amazing video is a powerful request to consider the children, consider ourselves, and heal the world:

Whatever it is that YOU are called to do to make the world a better place around you, DO IT! Don’t wait for a better time. Don’t wait for someone else to take the first step. Set your intention and DO IT. Do it NOW. Create better at work, at home, in your relationships. When it doesn’t feel good or easy, STAY with your intention.

It takes intention and staying power to live counter-culturally.

And it takes each one of us to follow through on our intention to make the world a better place, to live counter-culturally.

What is your “counter-cultural” intention?
What is your staying power?