I Listen Well …

Yesterday I wrote about the space:

The Space

and encouraged those of us who are struggling and overwhelmed during this time of extreme stress to pause and be with the silence “between” and to listen in the space.

Today I share a bit about listening. In our country, in the world, in our communities, in our relationships … people are craving to be heard. There is no doubt about that. Yet, in our craving to be heard, many of us are speaking without listening. We are speaking with words, with emotion and with action. Sometimes, it’s powerful and helpful. Sometimes, it is noise or worse, very damaging.

Each one of us needs to expand on and to practice deep listening skills. We can begin with yesterday’s message that suggests we listen within, to our own heart and soul. Then, listen outside of ourselves. Listen without needing to respond. Listen without personalizing the message, interpreting according to our understanding and planning our comeback. Listen. Listen with every part of our beings. Feel the truth of the other’s message.

What if each of us were to do more listening than speaking today?

As a life coach, listening is one of five core qualities inherent in good coaching. We listen at levels deeper than the average person but everyone can expand their listening muscle. Read the lyrics below. Notice where you find yourself on the listening scale. Are you at level one? Do you already practice skills associated with level two or three?

I Listen Well

Do you listen to the body, hear the message in the breath?
Do you sense the energy that either flows or now is trapped?
Do you find that deep within you know a truth that’s not been said?
Or do you just to words respond and listen with your head?

And after you have heard your client to the point of pause,
it’s time for you from deep within to engage in your response.
And then be sure to listen to the impact! Stay tuned in!
For now is not the time to wonder what you’d do instead!

Listening at level one I’m hearing everything you’ve done.
And I respond, “You won’t believe –
I’ve done the same and more you see!”
I’m listening at level one.

Listening at level two there’s really only me and you.
We’re in a bubble and I sense
all that you say and don’t express!
I’m listening at level two.

Listening at level three the whole wide world I sense and see.
The force field is alive!
My intuition knows: I let it guide!
I’m listening at level three.

I clarify, articulate. And metaphorically I state:
suggest a meta-view and I acknowledge what I see in you!

I listen to the body, hear the message in the breath.
I sense the energy that either flows or now is trapped.
I find that deep within I know a truth that’s not been said.
I listen now beyond the words and use more than my head.

And after I have heard my client to the point of pause,
I naturally from deep within engage in my response.
Aware with eyes, ears, mind and heart; with taste and yes, with smell…
I do not miss the moment; as a coach I listen well!

What one way will you expand your listening today?
What will you listen to that you have previously ignored?

What do you notice when deep listening precedes your response?

The Space …

I’ve been struggling. So much going on. So much action and reaction. So many emotions. So strong. So much confusion. So much pain. So much anger.

I have lost myself in all of it. Can you relate? Maybe not. But just in case you can, I offer these lyrics. They suggest some focus on and resting within the spaces – the spaces between stimulus and response, between emotion and reaction, between the in breath and the out breath, between each thought. It is in the space, the silence, where we encounter our truth and the courage to live it.

In The Space

In the space, in the space between each task…
In the space when I take the time to ask…
In that space, that precious space, I relax.

In the space, in the space between my words…
In the space where I pause and breathe, discern…
In that space, that sacred space, I learn.

In the space, in the space between my thoughts…
In the space where I know I am not lost…
In that space, that peaceful place, I am taught.

In the space, in the space between my fears…
In the space where I feel pure love, so dear…
In that space, in sweet embrace, I hear.

In the space, in the silence of my soul…
In the space, I’ve released my false control.
In this space, this resting place, I am whole.

                                   Jeanne Loehnis, 2008

What awaits you in the space?
What if you spent time there?
What would shift in you? 

Pink highlights


This morning, the sky was covered in grey clouds that appeared like bubble wrap. A moment later, I noticed pink highlights across the cloud expanse. There were small, faint sightings of pink in addition to the brilliant glow closer to the horizon. How my eyes caught those highlights! I was drawn to focus on the “beauty”, that which was different, that which I’d judged “worthy” of my attention.

And It was then that I realized I’d virtually ignored the grey clouds. They didn’t catch my eye until the highlights appeared. Of course, the highlights would have been impossible without the texture of the grey clouds!

What do you focus on?
What do you ignore?
What deserves your attention?

What are the highlights pointing you towards?

What’s really here now?

Recently I wrote about shifting things up, practicing an “opposite”, consciously acting in ways contrary to our default behavior and then noticing the impact.

A World of Opposites …

Many of our defaults, our habits, while limiting, are relatively harmless. There is one in particular, I believe, that is especially harmful to the very essence of who we are as human beings, to the heart and soul of humanity.

What is it?

It is the habit of assuming, of mindlessly interacting with others, of moving through our lives with our personal agenda, timetable, priorities at the forefront and totally missing the reality of what stands before us: an emotional, spiritual and physical human being having a totally unique moment. We say “Hi. How are you?” and don’t wait for answer. We make assumptions about what “they” think or what’s important to them or what’s really going on based on past experience. We don’t deeply observe who is here now or listen openly with care to the words being said and the emotion with which they are spoken.

Instead, we proceed thoughtlessly with our personal agenda for the moment, often missing the unspoken meaning of what we’ve heard or even ignoring it because it doesn’t fit with our “plan”.

Unfortunately, this occurs most often in the relationships which are familiar and important: our children, our partner, our best friend. These are the very people we have the most contact with. These are the heart and soul of humanity in our circle of influence.

What would our world be like if each of us was noticed, seen,
heard and loved for who we are?

Think about your primary relationships for a moment. Who really sees and hears and loves YOU? What does that feel like?

Today, consider slowing down, opening up, and being fully present to the people in your life. Drop all assumptions. Give them the gift of connection, of being seen and heard and loved for who they are NOW.

What does real connection feel like?
What’s possible from here?

Real or Nice?

Today’s bit is not new to me but I recently heard it again and if feels good to share. Do you find yourself “being nice” at times, rather than “being real”?

What causes you to choose “nice”?
When does the choice serve you?
When doesn’t it?

The sub-statement in what I read this week hit me and went like this:

My biggest fear is that everyone I know will be in the same room at the same time and I won’t know who to be.

What part of that statement is true for you? Which situations or relationships cause you to distort or silence yourself? Which situations or relationships cause you to say YES when you mean NO or vice versa?

Now what will you do with what you know?