Into Action!

Coaching has a huge component of action in it. Change happens – not when we think about it, or hope for something different, or simply imagine – but when we take that next step and act on those dreams, goals, desires. We act despite our fear. We act, not concerned with the outcome but concerned rather with what it takes to act and who we will become in the process.

What action are you avoiding?
What impact will taking the action have on your life?
What action will you take today?

Summer of Passion

Summer is upon us. This can mean a lot of things like vacation, longer days, more work, less work, kids at home, more joy, more chaos, …

Today, consider some visioning around the summer that lies before you. Step aside for a moment and ask yourself:

What vision will I create for this summer?
What do I want to see when I look backward on September 1?
What will make this a summer without regret?
What will make this a summer of passion?

Salute to Parents

Working parents, stay-at-home parents, new parents, … Today’s message is for each of you who is raising one or more young persons with intention in the midst of our over-filled lives. Know this: you are attempting the most challenging task there is! It is also the most vital to our society and the most rewarding.

What has me writing this to you now?

Continue reading “Salute to Parents”

What is your Availability Index?

Today, I want to ask you this question as it relates to your personal growth. Life consistently offers some very powerful moments filled with “ah ha’s” and clear direction for next steps. The impact of these moments, however, is dependent on our availability, our willingness to receive the gift in the challenge, the opportunity, the moment, and act accordingly. No doubt each of us has, at times, been unavailable to these gifts, unwilling to let them mold and shape us. We all have experienced life getting in the way at times. So I ask:

What is your availability index?
How do you remain available to action and expansion in your day-to-day?
In what ways do you shortchange yourself and the potential for your life journey?

A Season of Moments

The calendar says that it is springtime in the northern hemisphere. Spring usually brings images of new life popping up from the ground, buds turning to leaves on the trees, and in colder climates, people reappearing outside their homes.

Something I notice about spring here in Wisconsin is this: if I am too busy, I miss it. One day the ground is barren; the next time I look, the plants are 5″ tall. Sometimes those 5″ come in a single day! If I blink I miss it. Yet, if I watch long enough, I just might see them growing.

What do you miss in your busyness?
What must you refuse to see in order to “get it all done”?

Continue reading “A Season of Moments”