Are you a change agent?

Do you want to have a positive and powerful impact on the world around you? Do you want to influence others? Do you want to be a “change agent”?

If you answered yes, then I hope you will ponder deeply these two quotes:

Hurt people hurt people. ~ Sarah Crawford

Read it again if you need to. People who are hurt or are hurting, often hurt others and often unintentionally.

Transformed people transform people. ~ Richard Rohr

Read that one again. If you: Continue reading “Are you a change agent?”

Listening Power … continued!

Recently, I wrote about the power of listening and suggested four steps to help you improve your own deep listening. There are two other perspectives on listening that I’d like to address here:

  1. being a good listener to oneself
  2. moving beyond the impasse of broken connection in an intimate relationship

Sometimes, in relationship with someone we care deeply about, listening stops. Continue reading “Listening Power … continued!”

Where are you masquerading?

Yesterday, I had a conversation with a dear friend who sees me as counter-cultural and unconventional and values these qualities in me.  She feels the impact of my choices to practice powerful self-care, to honor the calling of my spiritual being, to be true to my values day in and day out. This gives her hope that it is possible to live in integrity with the unique beings that we are despite pressures from the world around us to sell our souls in service of “success” and society’s norms.

Today, I pulled an inspiration card at random: Continue reading “Where are you masquerading?”

High Expectations

Having dreams, visioning where we want to go in life, what we want to create in life is powerful. Without them, it is easy to move through life on auto-pilot, expecting today to be like yesterday and doing the same things day in and day out.

Often, however, those of us who vision and want to live into our dreams set ourselves up with high expectations of ourselves and low tolerance for the learning curves, the journey from here to there. When we don’t meet those expectations, Continue reading “High Expectations”

The Unfolding Unknowable

The unfolding future is unknowable. Ours is to prepare our consciousness to meet it from openness, curiosity and awe. ~ Jeanne

How does that sit with you?
Does it ring true?
What does it bring up in you?

There was a time I really believed that I could plan just about anything and accomplish it by following my plan. The future was known because I was designing it. At that time, I wasn’t very open to what wasn’t in the plan; I wasn’t very curious because I already knew what was going to happen. And awe? Well, there really wasn’t time to let the beauty and wonder of life have that kind of impact on me!

Tama Kieves, in her book, A Year Without Fear, writes: Continue reading “The Unfolding Unknowable”