What do you argue for?


“Argue for your limits and sure enough they’re yours”. Richard Bach

Think about this. How often do you say:

I couldn’t do that …
I don’t know how …
The thought of doing that scares me …

Guess what? You’ll never be able  to do it, you’ll never know how, if you never try! Keep on affirming that you can’t and it will become your reality. Or … consider a new message and argue for possibility!

I’ve never done it, but I’m willing to try!
I don’t think I know how but I’m sure I could learn!
I notice that I’m a bit scared to consider that …
but I’m willing to interpret that fear as excitement …
and do it anyway!

Just try it. Try it on something small first. Be sure to take the time to notice how it feels to “do it anyway”.

What’s happens when you argue for possibility?

If it’s really that important …


Bring to mind a situation, relationship, belief that both challenges you and that you are ready to experience shift around.  

Got it?  Now:


  • How important, on a scale of 1-100, is a resolution?
  • What is more important?
  • What makes “that” more important than the issue we’re talking about?
  • Is the original issue still worth looking at?
  • What’s your first step?
  • What does that look like?
  • What stops you from going there?

Remember who you are …


There is only one way to have great impact on our world. Just one.

“Really?” you ask.

Yes. Really just one.

Each one of us can only have great, powerful, true, lasting impact by being ourselves, by being who we are. So ask yourself:

Who am I?
What do I really value?
What is my purpose for being on the planet?

Then, remember.

Remember – when it seems that no one can really see you …
Remember – when you do not sense any pay off for your work …
Remember – when no feedback, no affirmation comes your way …
Remember – when you are weary to the bone and want to quit or scream …
Remember – when tears of sadness and grief and despair are flowing …
Remember – when fear is overwhelming and courage has gone into hiding …
Remember – when jealousy is loud …
Remember – when the world says you are a fool …


Remember who you are.
Remember what you value more than anything.
Remember that you are part of the whole of humanity, past, present and future.
Remember the greater purpose for your being on this planet at this time.
Remember that you are inter-connected in consciousness to the whole of Life.
Remember who you are.

Remember who you are. Then … be you.

I have a vision …


Well, I guess I have many visions. But today, there is one that I am very present to. The last three posts have invited you to think about why your life is calling for you to partner with a life coach.  My vision is that each one of you who read these posts:

Hire a life coach … Me?
Hire a life coach … a few more reasons!
Yes YOU deserve the gift of a life coach!

has said, “YES – there is no doubt I would like to partner with a life coach!” And, because of that, your requests for an exploratory session followed by hiring me as your coach are now requiring me to remind you of many other amazing coaches in our world! Yes, there are many, each with their own niche, presence and gifts to offer. Here a just a few coaches that you might want to check out:

Help me make my vision a reality!


What if you knew …?

Today started with a long list of things I wanted to do … messages to write, appointments, tasks. Before my day started, I felt behind, overwhelmed, defeated.

Thankfully, I remembered to pause and ask myself:

What if you knew there was enough time?

That question has served me well. It slows me down. It invites me to be with the task at hand from a place of peace, trust, knowing that what needs to get done, will get done.

I’d like to broaden the potential of “What if you knew …?” for you. Imagine, when life hits, you asked yourself:

What if I knew it would all work out?
What if I knew the relationship would be mended?
What if I knew I would find the job I seek?
What if I knew …?

Whatever the question is for you today, breathe into it. Close your eyes and be with the impact of knowing “the end of the story”. From this place, ask:

What emotions can I release?
What energy is available to bring to this moment?

Who can I BE now?