Just for me … part three!

If you haven’t read parts one and two …

Just for me …
Just for me … continued!

Today I’d like to add supporting ideas that have come to me and through me. First, I’m sure you’ve heard of the Golden Rule:

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

About eight years ago, I wrote this article: The Golden Rule, with a twist! The twist?

Do unto yourself as you would do unto others.

If that catches you off-guard, hopefully you’ll let your curiosity take you to the article!

Secondly, my husband has a definition of sin which may help. He suggests that doing anything which intentionally harms another constitutes sin. Yet, if what I am about to do does not cause you harm and it helps me, then it is “okay”.

Finally, a very wise messenger named Benjamin helped me to see more clearly the idea that what is good for me is good for the whole. He asked me to see myself, the conscious spiritual being that I am, as part of the unified whole. We are all one – we are all part of the entirety of consciousness. As this one being, the activity of receiving (or of doing kind things “for me”), is actually allowing the whole, the one consciousness, to receive. I receive, I do for myself, and the whole is  gifted.

As with everything I write, and for that matter, everything you read or hear, please: Take what you like and leave the rest! Try on new ideas, see how they resonate in your life. If they do – use them! If they don’t, release them! If they were meant for you, they will return when you are ready to hear them.

What part of “just for me” is “just for you” NOW?

A story that must be told …


Soul’s Desire Inspiration Card

Recently I wrote about the stories we tell over and over again and, in which, we get lost:

Lost in the Story

Today’s message is about the “I” that gets lost in the story. You came to this life as a unique and precious individual soul essence. You alone can discover who you are, what you are passionate about, who you will BE in this lifetime and what is yours to DO. You have a unique story to tell with the choices you make each and every day.

Maybe you don’t think this is possible. Maybe you don’t believe it. Maybe what I am writing is pure heresy to you. Maybe you have tried to be you and been shut down, put down, over and over and have given up. If any of this rings true, I would like for you to hear: “Try again. Your unique essence, your voice, is needed. Who you are matters!”

Here are just a few questions to jumpstart your exploration into who you are:

Who are you?
What do you stand for?
What is your deeper essence?
What is your conscience telling you?
What inner conviction do you ignore?
What potential is locked inside?
What purpose is worth it?

Lost in the Story…

I woke to find myself confused, uncertain, unsettled, my brain busy with thoughts – and decided to listen to a talk by Adyashanti which brought my awareness out of my head and into my heart. As my heart space grew, as inner peace and calm grew, I noticed how busy my head has been lately, how often I’ve shared the stories of life with people I care about. There have been many stories (No, I won’t go into them and get lost now!!) and many precious people to tell.

Yet … staying in the stories, retelling the happenings of life, had the impact of me losing “me”, losing the deep, inner presence that calms my spirit and allows me to be fully alive with you. I am reminded of balance – in this case, balancing the need for inner connection with the human need for relationship. And, in relationship, balancing the need for sharing the happenings, the stories, the activities, with the sharing of connection, heart-centered open presence with one another. What about you?

Where is storytelling keeping you from connection?
Where are you lost in your stories?
What change are you ready to make?

Left-Brain Dominance …

Intuition is blocked by left-brain dominance.
Dr. Bob Nozik

Very high resolution 3d rendering of an human brain.

I read this quote and my insides went OMG! Yes! Makes so much sense. You see, I spent my childhood trying to achieve excellence in school. I spent 30 years working in a very detail-oriented job. In other words, my left-brain has been used, developed, celebrated! Even my right-brain creativity as musician and artist has been strongly controlled by left-brain perfectionism.

Intuition? Well, it is coming alive as I invite my thinking left-brain to pause.

Why does it matter?

Messages from our intuition are powerful! The intuition sees with all our senses – including the so-called sixth sense. The information we receive when we listen with our entire being and we listen to all that is within and around us is so much more complete than our tiny left-brain can fathom.

Now, this is not a put-down to our left-brain. It is simply a reminder that that left-brain, the thinking part of our being, is just one source, potentially a very intelligent and knowing source. Sometimes, it is the right and perfect tool for the task at hand.

Sometimes, it isn’t.

If you, like me, have focused strongly on left-brain knowing, consider the gift of developing the rest of your intelligence. Give your left-brain a rest. Try a daily practice that could include one of these:

  • meditation
  • play
  • whole body movement
  • time in nature
  • sitting still and observing with soft focus

Then, as you move in your life, go just a little bit slower. Notice messages from your body, your heart, the world around you.

What is your intuition telling you now?


Who do you need to BE?


Bring to mind a situation, relationship, belief that both challenges you and that you are ready to experience shift around.  

Got it?  Now:


  • What more can you say more about that?
  • What do you want?
  • What is the deeper truth here?
  • What needs to wake up in you in order to bring this truth to light?
  • Who do you need to BE in order to achieve this?