What inspires you?

What is it that delights your spirit, sparks your creativity, resonates in the depths of your being, calls you to *more*?

Maybe it’s art or nature or poetry. Maybe it’s witnessing courage or an amazing feat of physical prowess. One thing that inspires me is music with lyrics that are deeply meaningful.  And I sing almost every day.

Since inspiration prompts action and all of us have a need to contribute as well as something of value to offer the world:


Nourish yourself daily with whatever inspires you. Start your day with an inspirational call to be the best you possible in the hours ahead.

What inspires you now?

How well do you know yourself?

Really know yourself – see with extreme clarity all sides of you: the good, the bad, the beautiful, the ugly, the great, the awful – in other words, the precious human being that you are. The clarity I am speaking of is the clarity of the truth – those inner, often hidden, workings of your mind, your motives – not the you that you try so hard to portray to the world.

How well do you know yourself?
And why am I asking this?

Continue reading “How well do you know yourself?”

What are you thinking?

Perhaps you’ve heard: “Thoughts held in mind produce after their kind.” In a lyric composed many years ago, I wrote:

There’s no getting around it:
the world is what you make it to be.
You see and hear, yes you perceive,
and then the mind such stories it weaves!

Our minds are very powerful human computers! And their job is to think. That can be a very good thing. With our minds, we solve problems, explore possibilities, and vision the future we wish to create.

Our thinking minds, however, if left unguarded, can guide us astray. Continue reading “What are you thinking?”

Sphere of Influence

Painting by Lynee Phelps

Helplessness doesn’t help anyone. Yet many of us feel helpless in the face of all that our world needs. Everywhere we turn, there is pain, devastation, fear, confusion.

How can I have any impact on the vast need I see?
What is mine to do?

Today, more than anything else, dare to trust that your actions, however large or small they seem, will have an impact. Continue reading “Sphere of Influence”