What don’t I know?


Today’s thoughts come from ideas I am exploring in the book, The Zen Leader by Ginny Whitelaw. Before you stop reading because you don’t see yourself as a leader, wait! Everyone is a leader and that includes you! (More on this another day…)

Now that you’re with me, the simple idea for today is this:

What don’t I know?
What would be different in my life experience if I kept this question constantly at the ready?

If you are like me, you are an expert at approaching situations and trying to figure out what you know, what is familiar, the answer. From here, of course, you know what to do and how to handle yourself! But if we remain focused on what we already know, how does anything new come into being? How do we expand? How does humanity move forward if we only act based on yesterday’s knowledge?

Great leaders explore the unknown and vision what’s possible. How could this leadership trait impact our day-to-day lives? Imagine waking up to another day filled with family commitments, work, personal self-care, volunteer opportunities, … all the usual activities on the calendar. Now:

  • What if you open your eyes in the morning and ask, “What don’t I know about the possibilities for my physical body today?”
  • What if your child or significant other comes to ask a favor and you think, “What don’t I know about his or her inspirations, dreams, desires?”
  • What if you go to your job and ask, “What don’t I know about my coworkers? What don’t I know that might make my efforts more efficient or easier?”
  • What if you pause to think about your future and ask, “What don’t I know?”

What is the power of “What don’t I know?”? I think it is an opening, a crack in limited thinking, a ray of hope and expansion and possibility in a world that sometimes feels small and hopeless. I believe it is also an opportunity to open ourselves to others, to collaboration, to the awareness that we are not alone and that we have much to learn and many ways to work and grow together.

Care to play this game with me today?
What don’t YOU know?

Whose ideas are they?

Do you ever find yourself preparing for a presentation and noticing that fear is bubbling up?  I have! It is especially strong when the presentation comes from ideas that came from my intuition, my life experience, me. Sometimes, I then hear:

What if “my” ideas flop?

Just in case you can relate, I’d like to offer a different perspective. The Universe has dropped golden nuggets into my awareness. Like the lyrics and music I write, I transcribe the ideas, the lyrics, the notes. I bring them into manifestation. They began in and belong to the greater whole, universal mind. This makes them perfect – and – temporary. They are here now to be released and have an impact. They are not meant to be free standing, or be “put on a pedestal” and admired. They are meant to be honored, used, and allowed to transform as they are touched and received by the world, the folks who will receive the presentation.

This way of being invites me to go through the experience with total curiosity and wonder. What is meant to be planted, sprout, blossom, or be released in each person? What is possible because I am willing to be the conduit through which the Universe got this message across?

I am sitting in awe of the wisdom that just flowed through me. Not from, but through me and intended for all of humanity.

What if each of us allowed ideas to flow through us into manifestation?
What ideas are you blocking?
What are you hanging onto as yours?
What idea would help you embrace your part in evolution?
What would free you?

How old are you?


More importantly:

How old do you think you are?

We’ve all heard the expression, “You’re as young as you feel.”  Yet, how many of us truly take it to heart? How many of us do not let our age dictate our life choices?

I am 57 years young as I write. And, I often spend time with younger persons – younger in years and younger at heart. This week, their energy reignited in me a desire to dance, to move my body freely, flexibly, joyfully, playfully! They went so far as to suggest I finally respond to my longtime desire to move like a ballerina and take ballet lessons with my friend’s 2 1/2 year old! Really? Yes! Let those beautiful, young spirits encourage more of your own spirit to play, to come alive.

Now, I could have resisted, claimed I was too old to begin ballet. I could have imagined embarrassment (as if 2 1/2 year olds would judge me!!!). But for a lovely moment, I set that aside, let my dream override any perceived limitations or judgments, and committed to contacting the dance studio!

The story is “To be continued …” since the studio only teaches children! I contacted the owner anyway. I wonder, will she consider teaching the “young at heart” alongside the young hearts?

Now, back to you:

How old do you think you are?
How do you let your age limit you?

What would you begin if you didn’t?

Don’t Blink, Don’t Label!


This morning, the air is cool with a slight breeze, the sun is rising, the birds are singing, and the sky is magical. Actually, the entire scene is picturesque and phenomenal. It is the magical sky, however, that caught my attention.

Sitting on my front porch, I decided to write down every word that could be used to describe the vision I was witnessing: sky, clouds, white, grey, blue, feathers, tendrils, shimmering, sea, floating, gorgeous, artistic, swirling, expansive.

Then I looked away for a short time and when my eyes returned to the scene, it was totally different! Now words like changing, washing out, soft, cotton, bumpy seemed more appropriate.

Don’t blink – you’ll miss something! Add to that, don’t label, you’ll miss so much. Oh the days that I have looked up and saw only sky and clouds. As a child, I saw bunnies and dragons, pillows and castles in the sky! And I dared not blink because I might lose sight of my imaginary playmates.

Now? Too often I let the labels – sky and cloud – determine what I see. “Cloud” might mean rain. Rain means I cannot ride my scooter (i.e. “bad”).

What about you? What magic is life offering that you miss out on because:

  • you’ve simplified the view with labels?
  • you “blinked”, looked away, consumed with the current task?
  • you decided you knew it all already so you didn’t pause to look anew and be curious?

If you are too young to have heard the song Both Sides Now by Joni Mitchell, or if you haven’t read the lyrics in a few decades, please get curious right now! The song came from my memory banks as I was observing the clouds this morning. What I found when I Google’d to find the lyrics, was such depth of awareness – WOW!

Both Sides Now – lyrics
Both Sides Now – video

What does this song open up in you today?

Power In Perspective

Good morning! Yes, it’s morning. And it feels “good”. Yet it didn’t feel that way a short 30 minutes ago. In fact, with a day wide open with choices, few commitments and a lovely weather forecast, my being felt depression instead of joy, excitement, pleasure or curiosity. And I didn’t want to stay there. I wanted to find a way to be with the moments, activities and the day ahead of me that was closer to pure delight than the depression that was present.

What shifted? It was quite simple and I want to share it with you. First, I decided to remove the “depression” label. Okay, gone! Then, aware that there were feelings that reminded me of depression, and knowing that those feelings color my view of life and everything in it, I asked myself:

How would I feel about the day ahead if the depression glasses were off?

Immediately, I realized that:

  • I would be grateful that I get to be with a dear friend at 7:00am
  • I would be excited to dig in to the possible projects on the list.
  • I realized that the day would not be long enough for all the possibilities so I would be in delightful anticipation with the giggles and joy of a child.

Wow! With that one shift in perspective:

How would I feel about the day ahead if the depression glasses were off?

I found myself out of the box of depression, open to possibility, and excited to be alive!

How about you?

What activities are you anticipating with dread?
What feelings are walling you off from the joy of life?
What change in perspective would you like to entertain?

There is power in perspective. We can choose the perspective and claim personal power to create our life. Or, we can let circumstance choose the perspective and find ourselves disempowered in a box that is not of our choosing.

What perspective will you choose today?