Everybody’s got more inside of them. Everybody.

TheOnlineSpa is a very new, on-line community where big feelers and generous givers can come to connect, explore and learn about themselves, be nourished and engage with others on the journey. Recently, I had the privilege of being interviewed by friend and colleague, Jonny Richard, co-founder with Ashley Colvin of TheOnlineSpa.com . I share the interview here – and – invite you to check out the community for yourself. It was such fun to have this conversation. Jonny is a phenomenal listener who brought more out of me than I knew was in there!



Ease in “Abundance”

Ease in Abundance

Abundance — another way of saying “too busy”, “overwhelm”, “get me outta here!” When her life seems overly full with simple to-do’s, work engagements or just plain life happenings, my friend and mindfulness teacher, Joy Jordan, uses the term “abundance” to describe the situation.

In addition to this simple, beautiful reframe, I’d like to offer you ideas for finding Ease in Abundance. The next time you find yourself in an “abundant” time, try: Continue reading “Ease in “Abundance””

How do you see?

We are only capable of seeing from our own state of consciousness.
~ Adyashanti

Have you ever tried to explain something deeply important to you and       found the listener totally unable to grasp the essence?

On the other hand, have you experienced the gift of someone who is right there with you, and can even help you see your next steps? For instance:

  • A teacher who has great impact is able to meet you where you are, see from your current perspective, then draw you forth to take in and learn from a wider view.
  • An empathic individual feels what you feel, meets you where you are emotionally, and only then, if you desire, guides you forward.
  • A good physical trainer does the same – evaluates where you are and offers the exercise plan which will step you forward.

Have you ever put yourself physically at the level of a child
and seen the world from their perspective?

Today, each time you witness something wildly different from your “sensibilities”, remember:

I see from my experiential viewpoint.

Then ask yourself:

  • What is it that has this person doing, saying or thinking “that”?
  • What would have this thing created in this “strange” way?

Rather than, “different – wrong” consider:

Different – Of course!

We all see, create and choose from our personal, unique perspective. Some of us are able to “put ourselves in another’s shoes” and see as they see. Some of us, not so much.

A friend or family member, teacher or mentor, who can “see as you see” is a precious gift. The gift is even more precious if they are wise enough not to judge or try to change or convince, force you to be/think/believe what you are not ready to embrace.

My greatest expansion has come from an invitation to the “new” from a trusted source – one who has met me first where I am.

Who in your life “meets you where you are”?

What would free you to meet others “where they are”?

Gratitude for the challenges …

{NOTE: If you have recently been through great pain and loss, this post may not be for you at this time. Please be gentle and listen to your inner being.}

Thanksgiving day is approaching and I’d like to offer a twist on the usual message “be grateful for all the gifts you’ve been given”. Let me begin with these lyrics from the band, Cloud Cult:

It’s easy to be thankful for the things you’ve got.
It takes guts to give thanks for the things you’ve lost.

They struck me as extremely powerful when I first heard them. As I think back on events in my life which represent loss or challenge or great pain, I notice the gifts. Here are just a few: Continue reading “Gratitude for the challenges …”