What makes you come alive?

Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive. ~ Howard Thurman

Today as I read Thurman’s words, I have two thoughts.

First, “Yes, please”. The world does need people who have come alive and who, in their doing, are alive, energized, passionate. That is a tremendously different energy than doing because we have to, we should, “they” said so. So, please go about your doing this day from a place of inner aliveness!

My second thought Continue reading “What makes you come alive?”

What are you living for?

If you want to identify me, ask me not where I live, or what I like to eat, or how I comb my hair, but ask me what I think I am living for, in detail, and ask me what I think is keeping me from living fully the thing I want to live for. Between these two answers you can determine the identity of any person. Thomas Merton

That quote showed up this week in my Inbox from Terry Hershey in his weekly Sabbath Moment post. Thank you, Terry!

As I read it again, I wonder, “How would I answer those questions for myself?”

What am I living for – in detail?
What is keeping me from living fully the thing I want to live for?

As we begin a new year, I have three requests of you: Continue reading “What are you living for?”

Where are you a people-pleaser?

I’ve done more harm by the falseness of trying to please than by the honesty of trying to hurt. ~ Jessamyn West, writer

This quotation hit me today as I was about to journal. It seems to speak to the codependency so many suffer from. This “trying to please” isn’t about doing something kind; rather, it is about changing “me” so as not to displease “you”. Jessamyn suggests that this form of hurting others is far more pervasive than intending to cause harm “honestly”. For example: Continue reading “Where are you a people-pleaser?”

“Come From” Energy

WARNING: Today’s topic is meant to wake you up – jar you a bit – invite you into a deeper level of responsibility for how you show up in the world. Proceed with courage!

Think about a time when you have done something you didn’t want to, perhaps resentfully or grudgingly. Or, recall a time when you were physically present but emotionally and spiritually, perhaps even mentally, “out to lunch”. Or, what about those times when your reason for doing “it” was all about what you would gain – perhaps business or recognition? If it weren’t for the benefits, you so would NOT be there! 

Now, think about a time when you’ve been with someone else whose energy was at a disconnect from their “good” actions. Continue reading ““Come From” Energy”