New Point Release?

Sometimes software just needs tweaking, fixing a few bugs, maybe improving functionality a bit. In computer jargon, this is a point release like “1.2” to “1.3”.

Sometimes relationships, or ways of being “me” in this world, need a point release. Consider:

What is ready for me to “step it up” a bit?
What minor change could create major shift?

What tweaks will you announce in this “point release”?

Software Reconfiguration

Sometimes we need more than a reboot, a rest followed by starting over. Sometimes the situation calls for a software reconfiguration in order to avoid insanity:

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein

With a current challenge in mind, ask yourself:

What am I repeating over and over – unsuccessfully?
What  are five other choices I could make?

Pick one and do it.

Time for a Reboot?

If you use a computer, then you know that sometimes it gets bogged down, the memory is full, and it no longer performs even the simplest of actions you request.And when you call tech support for help, the first thing they suggest is “Reboot”.

Reboot . Shut down. Give it a rest. Clear the memory clutter. Then begin again.

How about you:

Where are you stuck, overloaded, unable to act?
What relationships need a reboot?
What projects need a rest?

Where do you need a reboot?

What Energy Is Here Now?

Perhaps, like me, there are times when you find yourself racing through the items on your to-do list without even thinking about what you are doing or how you feel about it. The end of the day arrives and you wonder how you got here. The very sad thing is that some folks follow this pattern for decades and wind up at the end of life without having lived.

Today’s suggestion is a simple practice. Put notes on the bathroom mirror, on the dashboard in your car, on your computer screen at work, on the back door, and any other location that you will notice multiple times throughout your day. The notes say:

What energy is here now?

The practice is this: read the note. Breathe. Answer it for yourself. That’s it!

What energy is here now?

Traffic Circles

Traffic circles are popping up everywhere. Where we once:

  • came to a full stop at a red light and waited for the light to tell us when to begin again
  • sailed right on through the green light
  • stopped at the sign and used caution and etiquette to know when to proceed

we now must slow down, look left, glance right, maybe stop, ultimately flow into the traffic pattern. Every driver must take responsibility for their part in the circular flow. What about life?

Where are you waiting at a red light?
Sailing through a green one?
Stopped at the sign and following the rules?
What is the impact of your traveling pattern?

What needs the circle approach?