Ready for a shift?

Bring to mind a situation, relationship or belief that both challenges you and that you are ready to experience shift around. Got it? Now be with these questions in the way that works best for you. You may journal, speak aloud, talk with a trusted friend. Ready?

  • What will happen if nothing changes?
  • What is the payoff in staying stuck?
  • What is the ideal outcome?
  • What is it worth to you?
  • What three steps will move you toward it?
  • Which steps will you take?
  • By when?

Perfectly Imperfect!

Have you ever suffered from “perfectionism”? The symptoms may include:

  • controlling every detail so “it” turns out “perfectly”
  • stressed, uptight, ever afraid of “failure”
  • limiting the activities you participate in because you can’t “do that one perfectly yet” and you might look foolish

Today’s secret is this: No one is perfect. You will NEVER be perfect. A goal of human perfection is doomed to fail. 

But celebrating ourselves on the journey of being our “perfectly imperfect human expressions” is expansive, joyful, freeing!

Where would a dose of imperfection free you?


Time For New Software

Then there are those times when the old program has outlived its usefulness and it’s time for something new. Perhaps you were once a Word Perfect user who is now fully invested in Microsoft Word. (Yes, I know some of you spent decades releasing the typewriter for the computer!)

Take a look now at your life – thoughts, activities, relationships.

What thought patterns are not congruent with who you are now?
What activities no longer serve you?
What relationships, formed by a different you, are perhaps detrimental?

 Where is new software needed?

Time for the Major Upgrade

Sometimes software needs more than a point release; it requires a major overhaul with powerful new features and the letting go of older, no longer compatible features. The new version may – and may not – resemble the old in look and feel. Ideally, it is easier to use and has wonderful new features. And it just might be so different that it takes the user way outside their comfort zone for awhile!

In life, you might be at a crossroads. Perhaps you are ready for a major upgrade with respect to self-care habits, how you spend your free time, how you earn a living. You may be ready to begin a workout regime, change to a vegan diet or find a new organization in which to share your talents. Know that large-scale changes such as these can feel very uncomfortable! Know also that you need not move through them without a support team, guidance and encouragement.

Where are you ready for a major upgrade?
What does your support team look like?

What do you vision down the road?

Keep your vision easily accessible as encouragement through the discomfort!

Mid-Year Review

This morning I gave myself the gift of a mid-year review. If you’ve  been around Tidbits long enough, you know that I have found an annual review to be a powerful piece of intention and purposeful living. You also know that January 1 is NOT my personal “year-end/year-begin” date. For me, it was March 1 this year and accompanied the onset of spring as well as my birthday.

So today was the half-year point. I paused to look back at these six months, notice what is alive in me know, and look ahead to who I would like to be in March 2015. I used this process:

EOY Review

What did I discover? I learned that I am on track! There have been challenges and setbacks … and … I’ve grown, evolved, expanded these last six months. I am recommitting to the March 2014 intention:

2014: The Year I Embrace Being, Visioning,
Intuitive Awareness and Celebrating ME!

with an added emphasis on the celebrating part. Yippee!!!

What about you?

What is happening with your 2014 intentions?
What needs a kick start?
What can you celebrate?