Intuitive Wisdom

Did you know that you have access to a profound source of wisdom, guidance that is tailored to your specific needs and makeup?

Yes, you do. Every human being is wired with intuitive wisdom, guidance that comes from our emotions, our physical responses to stimuli, from thoughts and ideas which seem to appear out of nowhere and disappear just about as quickly. Yet, these sources of information are ever-present and intended to support our choices and actions in this life.

What is often missing, though, is the knowledge of how to access this hardwired wisdom and the willingness to slow down long enough to hear it. Today, consider adding a practice of listening to your intuition. Consider trading in an activity such as:

  • 10 minutes of reading others’ wisdom
  • 10 minutes of TV
  • 10 minutes of complaining or gossip
  • 10 minutes eating what your body doesn’t need

for 10 minutes of sitting still, breathing, listening to your body.

Can you do this?
Will you?

The Leap

If we wait until we know for certain, we won’t move. There simply are things we can’t know about the future, about the choice we’re pondering, until we leap and find ourselves in it.

What’s more, there are many ways that we don’t know what we don’t know until we take the leap and face it head on.

The really good news is this: we don’t have to leap alone! Support in this lifetime can come from friends, family, colleagues, books, ideas, coaches, classes, faith.

What leap are you called to take?
What support system is in place to help you through the surprises?

Let it be Ridiculous!

Bring to mind a situation, relationship or belief that both challenges you and that you are ready to experience shift around. Got it? Now be with these questions in the way that works best for you. You may journal, speak aloud, talk with a trusted friend. Ready?

  • Quickly list five ridiculous solutions.
  • What makes each ridiculous?
  • What makes each ideal?
  • Quickly list five reasonable options.
  • What makes each reasonable?
  • What makes each ridiculous?
  • What option are you drawn to?
  • What three steps will you take?

If Life is a Tapestry … part V

To review part I of this series, check out:

If Life is a Tapestry … part I

Today we explore the final point:

  • The finished product, the completed design, is visible only in the imagination of the creator until the last stitch is sewn

It is never too late to course correct, shift, decide we don’t like the direction our life is headed and choose differently.

If you woke up this morning, then you have another opportunity to begin again. Today really is the first day of the rest of your life. Now really is the moment of choice. The choices you make now impact what lies ahead. Give yourself the gift of stepping back from your life tapestry to discern:

What has reached a dead end?
What needs some fresh energy?
What would forgiveness offer?
What needs my love?

Then, make a commitment. Take the next step. Let the tapestry of your life speak your current truth! Tomorrow? Begin yet again.

If Life is a Tapestry … part IV

To review part I of this series, check out:

If Life is a Tapestry … part I

Today, let’s explore two points:

  • While sewing, the creator is mired in the details, the color and shape of the next stitch
  • While sewing, the creator also steps back from the work periodically to view it from a distance and take in the whole, then making adjustments or perhaps even redoing a section if needed

Where are you in the thick of things, mired in details?
What is the bigger picture you are working toward?
What have you forgotten?
What value would there be in stepping back for a wider view?