Again …

What? Again. And again.

What goal have you set for yourself? Perhaps for the summer it is to get outside more and enjoy the weather. Maybe you have begun a new exercise program. Perhaps it’s daily meditation. Maybe, like me, you are practicing the belief that you are enough, you are lovable just the way you are!

Whatever it may be, today is a day to practice again, to do “it” again, to remind yourself again. The journey toward your goal is one day at a time, one step at a time, yet another repetition!

Can you do “it” again?
Will you?

The Night Sky


Have you ever paused to be with the sky at sunset? When I pause for just a minute, what I notice most is how quickly it changes. Blink and I miss something! The same thing is true with a baby, yes? Turn around, let a week pass by, and that infant has visibly changed!

Hear this: the same is true for you and everyone you know. Each of us is as ever-changing as the night sky and the baby. The difference is, we don’t hold this truth in our awareness or feel its power. Take a moment. Breathe. Who you were yesterday, last week, last year, is so very different from you in this moment: your thoughts, the cells in your body, your emotions. Maybe the folks around you at work and home are the same folks as last year – maybe not. But you are different. They are different. So I ask:

Do you expect “same”?
Do you allow yourself to grow and change?
Do you allow others to grow and change?

If you believed that you and others are as ever-changing as the night sky:

What would be possible?
What would you see when you looked in the mirror?
How might your relationships expand?

Obstacles in your way?

Bring to mind a situation, relationship, belief that both challenges you and that you are ready to experience shift around.  

Got it?  Now:

  • What is the outcome you wish to achieve?
  • What is your tentative deadline?
  • What three main obstacles keep you from success?
  • What steps will take you beyond each obstacle?
  • What can you commit to now?

Are you “conversation avoidant”?


Bring to mind a situation, relationship, belief that both challenges you and that you are ready to experience shift around.  

Got it?  Now:

  • What conversation are you avoiding?
  • What is it costing you?
  • How does it serve you to avoid having the conversation?
  • What do you care about?
  • What are you committed to?
  • By when?

What is powerful enough to break through your resistance?

Today, I’m looking at my resistance around seeking help with a physical issue that is making good sleep nearly impossible. What keeps me from pursuing every avenue available to help me overcome this very challenging situation?

Here’s what I am noticing. The reasons I don’t want to ask for help boil down to fear: fear of changes I may have to make and of the time it will take. I’ve heard there are only two emotions: fear and love. If we’re not in “love”, we’re in “fear”. So I asked:

What would a dose of love and compassion do for me?

and wrote myself a letter from a compassionate and loving voice. What happened? Resistance cracked. Those “reasons” flowed out onto the page balanced with:

Love yourself into wholeness.
Physical challenges are part of the human experience.
Acceptance goes a long way!

I leave you with these questions:

What are you resisting?
What are you afraid of?
What do you hear when you listen from love?
What power lies in self-compassion?