Remember Your Vision

Sometimes, I wake up and my emotional well-being is missing. I forget who I am and what I’m about. I lose site of my big “V” vision.

Sometimes, I transfer control of my day to my emotional non-well-being. [Guess what happens?]

Sometimes, I don’t. Lately I’ve been practicing:

  1. notice my emotional state
  2. remember my Vision, Purpose, Intention
  3. let my emotions flow if needed, clear my emotional space
  4. return to my Vision and discern what today’s “next step” is

Then I live into my Vision by taking today’s step. I ask you:

What “V”ision are you moving toward now?
What emotion will you take out of the driver’s seat?


From Stuck to Unstuck


Bring to mind a situation, relationship, belief that both challenges you and that you are ready to experience shift around.  

Got it?  Now:


  • Where are you stuck?
  • What does unstuck look like?
  • What does unstuck feel like?
  • If you were your best friend, what advice would you offer to you?
  • What will that get for you that you don’t already have?
  • Now what?

Inspiration from …

… me! All right, this one is a bit off the beaten path but I am called to share. These last two days, I have been directed to open the book I wrote last year, What’s Alive In Me Now? Time for the journey of your life! 


I have read several chapters and found myself inspired and grounded and recommitted to what I am called to do in this lifetime.

Why am telling you this?

Because we all need inspiration and it can come from many places –sometimes, from deep within. Whether you, like me, are a writer, or one who journals or draws, you have likely created from deep inspiration at times. The Universe was working through you to add richness to our world. Just maybe, you are meant to return to these creations now and receive their message again – at a new and expanded level for yourself.

Today, consider letting yourself be inspired. Don’t be shy! Check into your own creations! And, if you haven’t already, check into mine. You’ll find the book that I penned at this link:

What’s Alive In Me Now? Time for the journey of your life! 

along with some sample chapters.

To inspired living – now!

What can YOU change?


Bring to mind a situation, relationship, belief that both challenges you and that you are ready to experience shift around.  

Got it?  Now:


  • What part of this is about you?
  • What part of this is about others?
  • What part is about the environment?
  • What can you change?
  • What else?
  • What steps will you take?
  • By when?

Do you live in the extremes?


You know them:

  • Perfection OR Useless (the handmade, beautiful, thoughtful gift or forget it!)
  • All OR Nothing (I am peaceful, prayed up, loving, patient, kind, compassionate all the time or I am a horrible person)
  • Live into your ideal vision OR Quit before you start (only exercise 1 hr/day, 6 days/wk counts)

Today, I’d like to speak to those of you who can see and taste and are filled with desire for the extremes on the left (the ideal, amazing, perfect, do it all and have it all experience) yet routinely berate yourself for not living them. If this is you, try this experiment. On a topic of your choosing, one of those areas filled with the self-judgement of not living your ideal:

  1. Write down the qualities and attributes that exist in the ideal. Who are you being? What do you experience? What is this ideal?
  2. Write down what you can imagine is present on the right side of the equation, when Useless or Nothing or Quitting is really present.
  3. Write down where you really are on the continuum between all and nothing.

I am willing to bet that you are on the continuum, not at either extreme, and that your actions to-date are having a positive impact on your life.

What if you celebrated where you are?
What if you saw yourself as living into the ideal?

What if you took one step closer to the ideal today?

What can you imagine now?