Are you response-able?

If you are reading this, I am guessing that you are pretty responsible. You care enough to do your part, to help, to serve, to complete the work in front of you. But:

Are you Response-Able?

  • When the unforeseen happens, are you free to respond fully, with 100% of what is in you?
  • When you respond in any situation, are you really there, open to love, give, be present without the rest of life niggling in your brain?
  • When you show up for any task, do you leave everything else behind so that you really are able to respond to what is – not what you think should be or what you presumed would be or what you are willing to be with?

Today, just notice who you are in the activities of your life. Notice where your thoughts and feelings are in the midst. Notice if you are fully aware of all that is around you, tuned in to what is really going on, focused on the person or task in front of you and, therefore, fully able to respond to whatever shows up?

What keeps you from being Response-Able?
What are you willing to release today?

What if you knew …?

Today started with a long list of things I wanted to do … messages to write, appointments, tasks. Before my day started, I felt behind, overwhelmed, defeated.

Thankfully, I remembered to pause and ask myself:

What if you knew there was enough time?

That question has served me well. It slows me down. It invites me to be with the task at hand from a place of peace, trust, knowing that what needs to get done, will get done.

I’d like to broaden the potential of “What if you knew …?” for you. Imagine, when life hits, you asked yourself:

What if I knew it would all work out?
What if I knew the relationship would be mended?
What if I knew I would find the job I seek?
What if I knew …?

Whatever the question is for you today, breathe into it. Close your eyes and be with the impact of knowing “the end of the story”. From this place, ask:

What emotions can I release?
What energy is available to bring to this moment?

Who can I BE now?

Fly away with me!


This morning, I pulled the Wings Inspiration Card at random. One question:

What keeps you grounded?

caught my attention. My spirit desires experiences like seeing the natural wonders in our world, yet my actions do not support my spirit’s dreams. Actions could be as simple as visioning, reading about those wonders, talking with others who have been there and allowing their excitement to rub off. What keeps me grounded?

  • Unwillingness to make time for those simple actions.
  • Beliefs that it will never happen anyway.
  • Waiting for someone else to make the first move.

Does any of that sound familiar? Today, take a moment and ask yourself a few more questions from Wings:

What captivates your spirit?
What uplifts your wings?
What keeps you grounded?


What step will you take today?

Time to act!


Bring to mind a situation, relationship, belief that both challenges you and that you are ready to experience shift around.  

Got it?  Now:


  • If you had to resolve this situation to save your life, what would you do?
  • If you knew you could solve it with no negative consequences, what would you do?
  • If this situation weren’t in your awareness, what would be different?
  • What action is yours to take now?



What if it’s just a mirage?

I woke up after disturbed sleep and noticed depression, confusion and busy brain in my being. I selected a card to guide my inner connection time:


The first thing I noticed was that there was a new chapter, new life, something more “around the bend”. This was both something to look forward to and something I couldn’t yet see.  How could I get *there* with my mental state blocking my view?

When I turned the card over, my eyes settled on this question:

What is just a mirage?

What if the current stream of thought, the current feeling of depression was just a mirage? If so, then it doesn’t really exist! What would I do, how would I proceed, if it wasn’t there?

And in that instant, I was free. I was free to choose to move forward in this day rather than deal with the depression or figure out what was wrong. And here I am, writing to you!

What about you:

What seems to be blocking your next move?
What if it is just a mirage?

What is truly possible right now?

(*) Click HERE for more questions from the Looking Forward card.