What if 1 + 1 = Amazing?

Today I drew this collage at random:


The questions which most spoke to me were:

What opening needs your creativity?
What experience is stale?
What potential lies in “we”?

I’m not surprised. I’ve been craving co-creating lately and honoring the craving. The most delightful expression of this was Monday night’s play date with two other women. Staring at an amazing pay load of art supplies, we asked: “What will we do tonight?” and the answer we heard was: “Let’s create a single play doh sculpture!” And oh what fun we had!


Take a moment to ask:

What lone pursuit has stalled?
What would a partner, a co-creator offer?
Where does 1+1=Amazing?

Lost in the Story…

I woke to find myself confused, uncertain, unsettled, my brain busy with thoughts – and decided to listen to a talk by Adyashanti which brought my awareness out of my head and into my heart. As my heart space grew, as inner peace and calm grew, I noticed how busy my head has been lately, how often I’ve shared the stories of life with people I care about. There have been many stories (No, I won’t go into them and get lost now!!) and many precious people to tell.

Yet … staying in the stories, retelling the happenings of life, had the impact of me losing “me”, losing the deep, inner presence that calms my spirit and allows me to be fully alive with you. I am reminded of balance – in this case, balancing the need for inner connection with the human need for relationship. And, in relationship, balancing the need for sharing the happenings, the stories, the activities, with the sharing of connection, heart-centered open presence with one another. What about you?

Where is storytelling keeping you from connection?
Where are you lost in your stories?
What change are you ready to make?

Infinite Possibility!

I selected this card at random today.


Infinite Possibilities coaching card

Its questions pointed me toward infinite possibility from several perspectives. Here are just a few:

What illuminates your vision?
What distorts the view?
In what ways do you refuse to change?
Where are you out of resonance?
How do you embrace unlimited?
What future is worth creating?
What future is here now?

I am struck by the questions about the future as I’ve spent many years with “one day at a time” and “be present now” and “just this”. I wouldn’t trade those for anything! Yet, today I wonder: What is the future I desire, the future worth creating, the future I want for generations to come? I am creating that future with every action I take today. So are you. There is a very wise saying:

Today is merely the sum of past choices

So today is yesterday’s future, yes? Take some time with the questions above. Get clear on the future you want to live into. Dare to acknowledge where you are holding back, out of resonance, resistant to change and, therefore, blocking the very future you desire. Then, take action!

What bold steps will you take today toward Infinite Possibility?

Left-Brain Dominance …

Intuition is blocked by left-brain dominance.
Dr. Bob Nozik

Very high resolution 3d rendering of an human brain.

I read this quote and my insides went OMG! Yes! Makes so much sense. You see, I spent my childhood trying to achieve excellence in school. I spent 30 years working in a very detail-oriented job. In other words, my left-brain has been used, developed, celebrated! Even my right-brain creativity as musician and artist has been strongly controlled by left-brain perfectionism.

Intuition? Well, it is coming alive as I invite my thinking left-brain to pause.

Why does it matter?

Messages from our intuition are powerful! The intuition sees with all our senses – including the so-called sixth sense. The information we receive when we listen with our entire being and we listen to all that is within and around us is so much more complete than our tiny left-brain can fathom.

Now, this is not a put-down to our left-brain. It is simply a reminder that that left-brain, the thinking part of our being, is just one source, potentially a very intelligent and knowing source. Sometimes, it is the right and perfect tool for the task at hand.

Sometimes, it isn’t.

If you, like me, have focused strongly on left-brain knowing, consider the gift of developing the rest of your intelligence. Give your left-brain a rest. Try a daily practice that could include one of these:

  • meditation
  • play
  • whole body movement
  • time in nature
  • sitting still and observing with soft focus

Then, as you move in your life, go just a little bit slower. Notice messages from your body, your heart, the world around you.

What is your intuition telling you now?


What do you argue for?


“Argue for your limits and sure enough they’re yours”. Richard Bach

Think about this. How often do you say:

I couldn’t do that …
I don’t know how …
The thought of doing that scares me …

Guess what? You’ll never be able  to do it, you’ll never know how, if you never try! Keep on affirming that you can’t and it will become your reality. Or … consider a new message and argue for possibility!

I’ve never done it, but I’m willing to try!
I don’t think I know how but I’m sure I could learn!
I notice that I’m a bit scared to consider that …
but I’m willing to interpret that fear as excitement …
and do it anyway!

Just try it. Try it on something small first. Be sure to take the time to notice how it feels to “do it anyway”.

What’s happens when you argue for possibility?