What Can’t You Be With?

What do you have trouble being with? What doors have you closed in fear and what treasures are buried within?

Imagine your childhood excitement if you were taken to a large mansion. So much to discover and and so many places to explore. You can’t wait! And in each one you enter, there are closets and patios, dressers – amazing options! You linger. You play. Eventually, you move on, knowing you can and will return.

Now, bring your adult to this same experience. Room #1, Victorian style, yuck. Room #2 reminds you of your first marriage … With each judgment, each fear, each opinion, you close the door to another option. The mansion shrinks.

It is the same in our emotional mansion.

As we cease to embrace, cease to allow, laughter or fear, deep love or anger, we have closed another door in the mansion of our emotional space. The breadth, the range of life that we permit has shrunk.

Where do you live now? 

Sometimes, perhaps, you live in a cave. Other times, a cozy cabin with no neighbors. Rarely in that castle of many rooms and endless possibility.

How can you begin to reclaim the rooms of your emotional mansion? First, by acknowledging and accepting that by choice you have closed the door. No one makes us. We, ourselves, respond – or react – even if in old patterns. We can choose – pause – notice – own that the closed door in front of us was a choice we made. Now ask yourself, if I opened the door:

  • What do I expect to experience?
  • What do I least expect?
  • What else is possible?
  • What other life experience is available if I embrace this emotion?
  • How will my life be different once I reconnect with this part of me?
  • What am I missing out on by keeping the door closed?

If I rewrote the script that closed the door, if my life depended on incorporating this emotion, this experience, this personality, what initial steps could I take? What support do I need?

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”  -Anais Nin

What is really here now?

Imagine for a moment the world of a young child. Everything is new. All five senses: sight, sound, taste, smell, touch are engaged openly for there are no words to pre-define, judge, or limit perceptions. Additionally, an energetic sixth sense is alert, aware, and ready to guide. Consider moving in your world today as a child. In each experience, situation, activity, interaction, ask yourself:

What is really here now?

Put on your ROBE!

bathRobeWhat ROBE, you ask? The ROBE of intention for living this day or completing this task, the ROBE of your life.

Perhaps this sounds silly and unnecessary. “Really, now. I wake up, get out of bed, and get going with my day, don’t you?” Well, yes, if we are blessed with yet another day on this planet, each of us does that. Today’s tidbit asks you to consider how you take those first steps of your day or approach the next activity and invites you to “don your ROBE” in the process:

(R)elax (O)pen (B)elieve (E)nergize

First, Relax. Loosen the tight grip on plans or fear, anxiety or even, for the moment, excitement. Open. From your relaxed being, open to possibility, to what is present right now in your awareness. Review what lies in front of you and (re)commit to your engagement. Then, Believe. Feel the assurance of “Yes, I Can!” or “Yes, this is what I am meant to be part of today.” Finally, Energize it. Channel your energy into what lies ahead. Focus the gift of your life energy on whatever it is that you are choosing to participate in. Don your ROBE, then go! Don’t forget to pause and review the impact of your ROBE when you’re through.

How will your ROBE support you today?
What beauty does your ROBE reveal?

Watching my garden grow

This morning, I gave myself permission to be with Life: the robins feeding their young, the clouds moving ever so slowly. And, the poppies popping! It has been three hours now since the first photo of the day:


with the poppies which were not open last night, OPEN! If you look ever so closely at the lower right-hand corner of that photo above, you’ll see the 4th poppy just starting to open. Then, an hour later, that same poppy bud open!


and another hour later:


and just one more hour later:


Okay – and one more hour later:


I’m floored! I’m also aware of Life in a new way. I have never allowed myself to witness nature like this before. Okay, I may be slow on the uptake here! And perhaps I DID witness such things when I was a child. Having spent Tuesday afternoon in the woods with a 2 1/2 year old who described the clouds as “cracking out” with such delight, it would seem a child simply cannot NOT witness the magic!

I guess some questions for me, and you, if you choose, are:

Where do I refuse to slow down and be fully present?
What is happening moment to moment that I miss?

What would a daily dose of wonderment do for my spirit?

Keep your eye on the ball!

This past weekend I played softball for the first time in 45 years! What’s really amazing about that is: after my hubby found me a glove and played catch to warm me up, I proceeded to go to right field and … get this … CATCH the only two fly balls that came my way! Really, I did! I also made contact with the ball at the plate – twice! While the team would have been better off if I’d let myself get walked, I actually hit the ball and ran! Crazy amazing!

And … like most everything in life, a lesson can be found. Here’s today’s lesson:

Keep your eye on the ball!

Whether the ball is a softball, a hardball, a task, a goal, a dream … focus is important. On the softball diamond, looking at the ground while in pursuit of the ball or looking ahead to where you’ll throw it before securing that fly ball in the glove is a recipe for failure.

Our dreams, especially the big ones, may not be in our mind 100% of the time, with every daily task and interaction. Yet, daily reminders, daily visioning, daily focus on the dream in order to discern today’s step forward will help insure the dream’s unfolding.

What dream are you moving toward?
What helps you “keep your eye on the ball”?
What step will you take today?