Fresh Start

Just a little bit for you today…

Close your eyes. As you take three deep breaths, invite your thoughts to float away. Vision only a clear canvas that awaits the brush stroke of your intuition, your Inner Guide. With the canvas in front you, let your Guide answer the following question:

What desires a fresh start?

The Universe is out to Support You!

Photo by V Haldeman Photography

“Around the bend, in the unseen,
arising from the very uncertainties that may now seem to taunt you,
there are some amazing surprises awesome twists,
and spellbinding coincidences about to emerge that you can’t even now imagine.”

A Note From the Universe by Mike Dooley

I’m sharing this with you today because the effects of this universal truth have been SO prominent for me recently. If you’ve never thought about this before, take a moment. Have you really planned and foreseen each step in your life journey? Big things, little things, imagine:

  • The parking place that opened up as you rounded the corner, running late…
  • There is a new doctor in town who specializes in the area of medicine that you need now…
  • Of all the people in the world, you were present to meet your mate at that specific time and place – five minutes later and he would have been gone…

There is so much that we don’t control. Continue reading “The Universe is out to Support You!”

Beginning … again!


Today, for the second time in 4 days, I drew the “Beginning” card from a 65-card deck. What is the message here? Well, I am going to believe there is a reason. Here is a quote from the reading for “Beginning”:

In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s, there are few. Shunryu Suzuki

So often, life is about figuring it out, learning how, getting it right. We like to “appear the expert” rather than the “beginner” and we practice, study, learn until we “have it down”. While there is value in learning skills that can be applied, this way of approaching life reads as very limiting. If I have “figured it out”, haven’t I closed the door to “What else?” or “How else?”?

As a life coach, it is vital for me to remain in curiosity: “What is really here now?” There is no cookie cutter approach to being with a client except to be in possibility and curiosity and presence to what is really here now. In other words, each session has a strong element of “Beginning’s Mind” and WOW – wide open wonder – for what needs to be created.

I’d like to commit to you today that I will show up with beginner’s mind – filled with wonder and curiosity. What about you?

Where are you an “expert”?
How would beginner’s mind serve you here?
What is your commitment?


I read this recently:

When a conflict arises between the need to belong and the need to grow, we have to make a choice.  We must either sacrifice a part of ourselves to maintain our belonging, or we must risk the approval and support of the group by growing.

The inner journey often finds us face-to-face with our deep truth. Choosing personal truth can feel hard as it often means letting go of something else. That something else served us for awhile. It may still serve us in some ways. Yet, in order to cross the next “hurdle” or leap ahead into our future, we need to be willing to release what no longer fits.

What choice are you facing?
What are you hanging onto?
What are you sacrificing in order to hang on?
What risk must you consider?

What’s really going on?

I ask that of myself … and hope that you’ll do the same.

As you know, I’ve taken quite a break from writing to you. Lately, I’ve been re-reading a few books, including my own, and just today heard this message:

Jeanne, you haven’t blogged lately. I notice that you are resisting. And more, I notice that you haven’t considered blogging to share this truth! What’s that about?

You see, the book:


speaks VERY clearly to finding our OWN voice, our OWN truth, and daring to live into it. In fact, I wrote it in the spring of 2014 as a journey of my truth throughout that time frame – no more and no less. So, I was reminded today that speaking/blogging my truth with you was enough. Actually, it is “just right”.

Today, that truth is this: I am in a very generative, green, expansive, personal time in my life right now. In the midst of all of this, I am less inclined to write, to tell, to share as I am to experience, to actually LIVE LIFE.  And that is what I’ve been doing. And I haven’t been writing. And I need to let that be okay.

What about you:

What’s really going on?
What is YOUR truth?
What do you WANT to share?
What else?