I ask that of myself … and hope that you’ll do the same.
As you know, I’ve taken quite a break from writing to you. Lately, I’ve been re-reading a few books, including my own, and just today heard this message:
Jeanne, you haven’t blogged lately. I notice that you are resisting. And more, I notice that you haven’t considered blogging to share this truth! What’s that about?
You see, the book:

speaks VERY clearly to finding our OWN voice, our OWN truth, and daring to live into it. In fact, I wrote it in the spring of 2014 as a journey of my truth throughout that time frame – no more and no less. So, I was reminded today that speaking/blogging my truth with you was enough. Actually, it is “just right”.
Today, that truth is this: I am in a very generative, green, expansive, personal time in my life right now. In the midst of all of this, I am less inclined to write, to tell, to share as I am to experience, to actually LIVE LIFE. And that is what I’ve been doing. And I haven’t been writing. And I need to let that be okay.
What about you:
What’s really going on?
What is YOUR truth?
What do you WANT to share?
What else?