Building Our Church Vision

I hold a vision:
every one of you here
sharing of yourself;
growing through your fear.

Sharing what you are.
Sharing of your wealth.
Sharing, too, your need
that I may give, too, of myself.

Offer up ideas
whether great or small.
Certainly you know
that sweet Spirit made them all.

Guidance always from the One
through channels on the earth.
Every human vessel
holds a pearl of treasured worth.

Add unto the melting pot
each spark from Spirit true.
Together now we pray;
to Love’s ideas add the glue.

Building our church vision
is the task we face today.
Excited, we begin
for we know Truth lights the way.

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2002, 2007

Away In A Manger (additional lyrics)

Away In A Manger (additional lyrics)

Imagine the manger where your spirit waits.
Surrounded, enfolded in loving embrace.
Preparing for living each day unafraid.
Infilling with God light that never will fade.

Burst forth from your manger! Now let your light shine.
Fly freely as angels: 'tis heavn'ly design.
And be for your neighbor a clear guiding sign
of joy that will bless us this Christmas time.

By Jeanne Loehnis, December 2006

The BE-DO-HAVE Experience

There are 17 days before people around the world celebrate Christmas, a holiday whose deepest intention, to remind Christians of the birth of their savior, is often lost in the commercial wrappings. I am far from alone in seeking an experience of the season that is rich with meaning, true to the ideals of peace, joy, love, and hope, and beautiful rather than draining.

Each one of us will have a different vision for that ideal experience. Your meaningful and beautiful holiday might be filled with people and parties and joy while mine might be homemade presents and intimate luncheons. Our neighbor might focus solely on Christmas caroling and choirs, religious services and donating time at the local food pantry.

Many of was want all of this and more for our ideal season. And when a day like today arrives, a Saturday wide open with time to get things done, we ask: What will I do now? What must get done? Where will I start? And before long, the crazies can set in. I found myself beginning to race within 30 minutes of waking up today. My list had “write a tidbit” and my crazies centered around, “What will I write about?” Continue reading “The BE-DO-HAVE Experience”