My Soul’s Companion

Within, all awaits Her —
my soul’s companion.
In stillness, my soul rests
and Spirit calls upon me.

As glass, my soul pond
reflects Her beauty.
She sees in me purity
and we reflect clarity.

Spirit, companion of my soul,
joy of my heart,
light for my mind,
we are one.

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2007


Seated now within this chair,
I rest that I may know
with clarity of vision;
the pathway to the now.

We are one, my God and I,
When God is in the lead.
‘Tis then my actions show the way
to others in their need.

With God in charge my steps are sure;
I’m never lost at sea.
This gift is mine to nourish
So I tend the planted seed.

And as we sprout, my God and I,
In the garden of my soul,
I trust that God won’t let me down.
We shine. With God I’m whole.

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2003

Heaven’s Garden

In the garden are many beautiful flowers,
each awaiting its right and perfect bloom-time.
I, the gardener, tend each and every one.

In this garden,
I walk among the flowering plants,
each with its own cycle of maturation and death.

As gardener, I seek to nourish each
with individual attention suited to the need:
just the right amount of sunlight, water, shade, and darkness.

I prune and transplant when needed.
I arrange so that the blooms, in their glory,
will enhance the beauty of their neighbor.

Ah, the Master Gardener in Her infinite wisdom
has led Her flowers to this place and this time
knowing that this collection of blooms
will celebrate each other
and create beautiful music at each other’s side.

Bloom, child of heaven’s garden.
Shine in all your glory.
Walk beside your neighbor.
Lift her spirits with your smile.
Give her the strength of your stem to lean on.

Bloom, child of the Master Gardener.
Bloom in the soil which gives you life.
Let the winds of time scatter your seeds
that the touch of your spirit
will reach to the ends of the world.

Bloom child of Divinity.
In you is Spirit’s Truth and Love.
In you is Spirit’s Life and Wisdom.
Bloom in your sweet time.
Rest when the need arises.

Bloom, rest, receive of life’s abundance
from these who grow beside you.
One with the life of all, merge at depth.
One with the shared glory,
blossom in all your uniqueness at peak.

Hide not from the sun.
Shrink not among your neighbors.
Glorify the Gardener by shining in the soil of your life.

by Jeanne Loehnis, June 2004

Guided By Spirit

With ease I now follow the path that is mine.
I’m confident as I move with the Divine.
Excited and joyful, I learn something new.
I am a child, the world’s ever new!

Questions no longer haunt each waking thought.
Answers are clear and need never be sought.
Always in touch with the wisdom inside,
I know in each moment that Spirit now drives.

Deep in the flow of sweet spiritual grace,
I center myself and I feel Her embrace.
I’m cradled in current that’s rich and secure.
My steps are directed. My purpose is pure.

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2008

God’s Eyes

God opened the eye of the morning and watched.
Rays of sunlight stretched across the horizon.
Love’s eye of the day, its iris widened.

Flowers, responding to Love’s watch,
Open themselves to the day.
Petals warmed by Love’s eye on display.

People waken and Love expands its vision.
Love sees all, knows all, and provides guidance
As we become alive with the day’s activity.

Even when we cannot see God’s watchful eye,
When clouds of fear and hate and despair block our vision,
God’s love and care envelop us.

And as evening nears and the eye of the day
takes its rest beyond the horizon, we are protected.
‘Tis God’s resting eye, the eye of the night, we now see.

Moon rays remind us of God’s never ending Presence.
Always we are protected, surrounded, guided.
Always we are enfolded in Love.

By Jeanne Loehnis, 2002