Prepare the Way

From “Notes from the Universe Cards” by Mike Dooley:

“You could visualize for 1,000 days,
pray for 1,000 nights,
and give thanks for 1,000 things,
but it’s when you physically prepare the way, dear
– no matter how silly, tiny, or futile your efforts may seem –
that 1,000 miracles will find you.
Uga-chugga, Uga-chugga”

All the thought , prayer and gratitude power in the world won’t move your feet. You are the only one who can take action for yourself. Sometimes you are the only one who can see your actions. That doesn’t make them less important.

What actions are you discounting? 

CELEBRATE! Again! Then choose your next step, prepare the way. Act.

The “Undecideds”

Last bit, we explored powerful YESes and NOs. The unspoken message was about the way-too-powerful and draining in-between: the maybes, the undecideds, limbo-land. Now that you have given your powerful YES to some decisions, your powerful NO to others, let’s look at what remains. Use these questions:  What are you avoiding? What decisions do you refuse to make? to bring to mind and heart those decisions or situations or relationships that represent limbo-land for you. Just be here now. No, don’t try to decide. No, don’t put them on the list. No, don’t try to figure out what you need. For this moment, just be here with the feelings, the weight of the undecideds. Then, for each of these:
Continue reading “The “Undecideds””

Powerful YESes and NOs

What’s it like to know definitively? What’s it like to be “All in”? How about, “All out – that’s NOT for me!”?

Today’s invitation is to take a look at activities, relationships, commitments that fill your time and impact your energy level. For each one, get quiet and ask your deepest self, your intuition, to respond:

  • What impact does this activity/relationship/commitment have on my energy level?
  • If I were choosing in this moment whether or not to be part of this, would I be “All in”, “All out”, or “Undecided”?

Based on your answers:

  • What gets your POWERFUL YES?
  • What gets your POWERFUL NO?
  • What remains in limbo?

What changes are called for?


The next time you find yourself racing to get “it” done, or whirling with thoughts about what isn’t “right”, take a moment to stop, breathe in deeply and repeat:

I am enough. I have enough. I do enough.

Repeat as often as you need to until you sense an internal energy shift. Be here.

What do you notice?
What voices have been silenced?
What voices can now be “heard”?
What is enough?

What you believe …

Our chosen belief system has a HUGE impact on our lives – but then, you knew that. Well, I just want to share with you an experience that began one hour ago. The story? I was doing my husband a favor – a ten minute favor – before getting into this day which has clients and stuff to do! We were delayed. Ten minutes became 40. I watched as my insides got triggered. My emotional being got stressed and frustrated, my heart was pounding, my head was spinning with how the inconvenience would impact my morning.

Ever happen to you? Continue reading “What you believe …”