What if you knew that “all is well”?

What if, in the face of physical pain, disaster, stress, discomfort, intense growth or any other of life’s challenges, what if, in every situation, in every moment, you knew: “All is well”?

Think about it. We human beings can get through an amazing lot of challenge when we know it’s worth it and that it will end. As a simple example, consider the 30 minute exercise video that feels like it will turn your body to mush. With each passing minute, knowing that it will end, you actually feel more and more positive and anticipate the celebration of success!

And sometimes, “outer knowing” is not available. We can’t know when “it” will end or how “it” will turn out.

Inner knowing, however, believing, having faith, these are personal choices. In any situation, we can choose to believe, to know, that “All is well.

What does the “all is well” perspective offer you?


What is your relationship with time? Do you:

Experience it?
Use it wisely?
Cherish it?
Fear you’ll waste it?
Fill it up?
Budget it?
Never have enough of it?

What would be different if there was no time?

The Mirage

Okay. What are you worrying about? Over planning for? Fearing? What is out there in front of you stealing your attention?

Guess what? It’s all a mirage. Yes, really! No matter how much you think and plan and prepare for “it”, “it” will be different. “It” might feel awful when it arrives; “It” might be awesome! Either way, in this moment, “it” is in the future and will shift before you get there. “It” is in your imagination. “It” is a mirage.

So today, come back here to now. Take a breath. Focus away from the mirage. 

What is really present now?

Your Impact

No amount of intending, planning, leading and seeing our dreams to completion will EVER give us the full picture of our impact in this lifetime. No matter how many accolades, awards or expressions of gratitude we receive, these will never be the full picture.

Rather, each one of us, moment by moment, is having an impact on this world and the people in it well beyond our awareness. In ways we are oblivious, others are observing, learning, being touched. Furthermore, their actions are affected by our impact; our impact is expanding like a web that truly is out of our control.

In what ways do you WANT to impact the world you live in?
In what ways are you WAITING for acknowledgment before acting?
What message is your life sending now?

What if you had no fear?

While I wouldn’t have said this in years past, I know now that I love creating anew. I love opening to new ideas and expanding who I am and how I show up in the world. However, it is impossible to expand when I refuse to allow anything to shift, to change, to rest. In order to make room, I must let go – of tasks, habits, ideas, thought patterns. I must let go of who I think I am and who I think you want me to be in order to become who I am yet to be. And here is the hard part for me: I don’t know who that is! Allowing me to become who I am yet to be requires that I trust the process, the journey, life. I must venture into the unknown.

And sometimes the unknown feels scary.
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