Living in the Question

But what is the question?

Here’s the thing. I am exploring this topic for the sake of my next public speaking engagement. Perhaps you will explore it with me. The idea comes from these lyrics:

Follow My Soul (video recording)

I’ve traveled in the city and followed other’s steps.
I’ve done each task before me. My life: a success.
I’ve learned well, for I thought all life’s answers were taught.
Now I’m starting over to dream in the clover
I hear new questions again.

The questions that are with me each day and through the night
sometimes send fear straight through me. I know not wrong from right.
Yet I know I must go through this uncertain time
and be with the feeling, as the unknown’s revealing. I’m
learning a new way to grow.

I’m living with the questions. I’m moving in the flow.
At times I ask direction, yet often I know
that the way, I would go is not the path I’ve been shown.
Yet, I’m gonna go there; follow my soul where
my heart it knows my truth.

Words and music by Jeanne Loehnis
Copyright 2003 Jeanne Loehnis Appleton, Wisconsin

For today, I will leave you with:

  • What is the question in your soul?
  • What answer do you follow that isn’t yours?

When it’s all too much

Today, when I sat down for my morning centering time, I found my brain busy, my body a bit tense, and my heart space a bit teary. While the tears held a message of gratitude, the rest of my being didn’t feel like a place from which I could enter the day ahead.

Stop. Close your eyes. Slowly, mindfully, take 10 deep breaths through your nose. Follow the breath as it flows down into your lungs, expanding your chest. Imagine it flowing through your entire body to the tips of your finger and toes. Easefully hold each breath a few seconds, then release it completely, again noticing how the breath feels in your body. From this place, where nothing but the breath fills your awareness:

What can come off today’s to-do list?
What else?
What else?
What single intention will you carry with you this day?


Yes, TSA, that’s: (T)rust, (S)erve, (A)llow.

(T)rust the process, the journey, the path that is yours to take.
(S)erve along the way.
(A)llow yourself to be fully supported by Life, the Universe, that powerful source of all creativity, energy, and passion.

In what ways does TSA speak to you?

Acknowledging the Unseen

Recently, the moon was at its closest point to the Earth in years. Folks around me talked about the strong energetic impact this potentially had on them. My inner “doubting Thomas” spoke up and I found myself in disbelief. Then it occurred to me, “Of course there would be an impact! Imagine the energy it must take to keep the moon and the Earth in their orbits. Imagine the strength of gravity keeping us grounded here!”

Then, the real “Ah ha!” moment …

What else do I refuse to acknowledge because I can’t see it?
What power am I closed to because of doubt?
What if I opened the door a crack?

What am I waiting for?

Sky Watching

Sky watching … not cloud watching. Take a moment to imagine – or go outside – and soak up the entirety of the sky: wide blue expanse in which the sun, moon, planets and stars, the ever changing clouds, the snow, rain, lightning and thunder, rainbows, exist. The sky holds all of it – allowing it to be and flow, come and go, shift and change, speak loudly or not at all.

What if you could experience life as sky?
What is your ever-present sun?
What clouds could you allow more easefully?
What rainbows would you notice and appreciate more deeply?
What does it feel like to be blue sky?